Phase Portraits of Linear Systems
Consider a
linear homogeneous system
We think
of this as describing the motion of a point in the
(which in this context is called the phase plane), with
the independent variable
as time. The path travelled by the point
in a solution is called a trajectory of the system.
A picture of the trajectories is called a phase portrait of the system.
In the animated version of this page, you can see the moving points
as well as the trajectories. But on paper, the best we can do
is to use arrows to indicate the direction of motion.
In this section
we study the qualitative features of the phase portraits,
obtaining a classification of the different possibilities that can
arise. One reason
that this is
important is because, as we will see shortly,
it will be very useful in the study of nonlinear systems.
The classification will not be quite complete, because we'll leave
out the cases where 0 is an eigenvalue of
The first step in the classification is to find the characteristic polynomial,
, which will be a quadratic: we write it as
are real numbers (assuming as usual that our matrix
has real entries). The classification will depend mainly on
and we make a chart of the possibilities in the
Now we look at the discriminant of this quadratic,
. The sign of this determines what type of eigenvalues our
matrix has:
- If
, there are two distinct real eigenvalues.
This occurs
below the parabola
in the
- If
, there is one real eigenvalue (a double eigenvalue).
This occurs on the parabola.
- If
, there are two complex eigenvalues (complex
conjugates of each other). This occurs in the region above the parabola.
Each of these cases has subcases, depending on the signs (or in the
complex case, the sign of the real part) of the eigenvalues. Note that
is the product of the eigenvalues (since
so for
the sign of
determines whether the eigenvalues
have the same sign or opposite sign.
We will ignore the possibility of
, as that would mean 0 is an eigenvalue.
The sum of the eigenvalues is
so if they have the same sign this is opposite to the sign of
. If the
eigenvalues are complex, their real part is
Another important tool for sketching the phase portrait is the following:
an eigenvector
for a real eigenvalue
corresponds to a solution
that is always on the ray from the origin in the direction of the eigenvector
. The solution
is on the ray in the opposite direction.
the motion is outward, while if
it is inward.
) or
), these trajectories
approach the origin, while as
) or
) they go off to
. For complex eigenvalues,
on the other hand, the eigenvector is not so useful.
In addition to a classification on the basis of what the curves look like,
we will want to discuss the stability of
the origin as an equilibrium point.
- An equilibrium point of a system is a point
where the system
are both 0. Thus if a solution starts out at an equilibrium point,
it stays there for all time.
- An equilibrium point is stable if, whenever a solution starts close enough
to that equilibrium point, it stays close forever (i.e. for
- An equilibrium point is unstable if it is not stable. This means that
it is possible for a solution to start arbitrarily close to that equilibrium point
and eventually leave the neighbourhood of that point.
- An equilibrium point is an attractor if every solution that starts
close enough to that equilibrium point approaches it in the limit
Every attractor is stable, but as we will see there are stable
equilibrium points that are not attractors.
Here, then, is the classification of the phase portraits of
linear systems.
- If
, we have two negative eigenvalues.
There are straight-line trajectories corresponding to the eigenvectors.
The other trajectories are curves, which come in to the origin tangent to
the ``slow'' eigenvector (corresponding to the eigenvalue that is closer to 0),
and as they go off to
approach the direction of the ``fast'' eigenvector.
This case is called a node. It is an attractor.
Here is the picture for
the matrix
, which has characteristic
. The eigenvalues are
(fast), corresponding to eigenvectors
- If
, we have two positive eigenvalues.
The picture is the same as in the previous case, except with the arrows
reversed (going outward instead of inward).
Again the curved trajectories come in to the origin tangent to
the ``slow'' eigenvector (corresponding to the eigenvalue that is closer to 0),
and as they go off to
approach the direction of the ``fast''
This is also a node, but it is unstable.
Here is the picture for
the matrix
, which has characteristic
. The eigenvalues are
(fast), corresponding to eigenvectors
respectively. Note that the picture is
exactly the same as what we had for the attractor node, except that
the direction of time is reversed (the animation is run backwards).
- If
, we have one positive and one negative eigenvalue.
Again there are straight-line trajectories corresponding to the eigenvectors,
with the motion outwards for the positive eigenvalue and inwards for the
negative eigenvalue. These are the only trajectories that approach the
origin (in the limit as
for the positive and
for the
negative eigenvalue). The other trajectories are curves that come in from
asymptotic to a straight-line trajectory for the negative eigenvalue,
and go back out to
asymptotic to a straight-line trajectory for the
positive eigenvalue.
This is called a saddle. It is unstable. Note that if you start on the straight
line in the direction of the negative eigenvalue you do approach the equilibrium
point as
, but if you start off this line (even very slightly) you end up
going off to
Here is the picture for the matrix
, which has
characteristic polynomial
. The eigenvalues are
corresponding to eigenvectors
- If
, we have only one eigenvalue
double eigenvalue).
There are two cases here, depending on whether or
not there are two linearly independent eigenvectors for this eigenvalue.
- If there are two linearly independent eigenvectors, every nonzero vector
is an eigenvector. Therefore we have straight-line trajectories in all
directions. The motion is always inwards if the eigenvalue is negative
(which means
), or outwards if the eigenvalue is positive (
This is called a singular node. It is an attractor if
unstable if
Here is the picture for the matrix
which has characteristic polynomial
and eigenvalue
It is unstable. For the matrix
we would have an attractor: the
same picture except with time reversed.
- If there is only one linearly independent eigenvector, there is only one
straight line. The other trajectories are curves, which come in to the origin
tangent to the straight line trajectory and curve around to the opposite
direction. Trajectories on opposite sides of the straight line form an ``S''
shape. The way to tell whether it is a forwards S or backwards S is to
look at the direction of the velocity vector
at some point off the straight line.
This is called a degenerate node. Again, it is an attractor if
unstable if
Here is the picture for the matrix
which has characteristic polynomial
, eigenvalue 1 and
. It is unstable.
Note that the trajectories above the straight line
are come out
of the origin heading to the left along that line, and those below the
line come out heading to the right. Thus the S is forwards. To check
this, you could calculate the velocity vector at, for example,
, which is
. Since that points to the right, it's easy to see the S
must be forwards.
- If
, we have complex eigenvalues
. The solutions are of the form
times some combinations of
. The picture
is a spiral, also known as a focus. It is an attractor if
, as the factor
makes all solutions approach the origin
, and unstable if
, as in that case the factor
makes all solutions (except the one starting at the
equilibrium point itself) go off to
We can calculate a velocity vector to check if the motion is clockwise
or counterclockwise.
Here is the picture for the matrix
which has characteristic polynomial
and eigenvalues
. It is unstable. To check that the motion is clockwise,
you could note that the velocity vector at
, which is to the right.
- Finally, if
, we have pure imaginary
. The solutions involve combinations of
. These are all periodic,
with period
. The trajectories turn out to be
ellipses centred at the origin. The picture is known as a centre.
Since a solution that starts near the origin just goes around and around
the same ellipse, never getting any closer to or farther from the
equilibrium than the closest and farthest points on the ellipse, this
equilibrium is stable but not an attractor. Again we can calculate a
velocity vector to see whether the motion is clockwise or counterclockwise.
Here is the picture for the matrix
which has characteristic polynomial
and eigenvalues
Again you can check that the motion is clockwise by noting that
the velocity vector at
which is to the right.
Robert Israel