Hi, my name is Malin Olafson (SD#96653977) and this
is my math website. The purpose of this website is to explain
mathematical concepts as required for my Math 309 class. The focus
of the course is the geometry of light. There are contradicting theorms
and experimental proofs that show light behaving as waves or light
behavings as rayes.The initial concepts are concerned with light being
viewed as waves.
Although the topics may be physical in nature,
the focus is to explain the math behind the physical concepts rather
than the physical concepts themselves.
In case you have not already figured out how to use this nifty website
i call mine, the navigation to each fantabulous math section is
in the fun green section on the right... i mean... left.
i.Basic Parameters: w, Y, c and A
ii.Fundamental Equation
iii.Wave Equation (in 1D)
i.Basic Parameters: w, y, c, and A
ii.Equations of Waves in 2D & 3D