Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices in two dimensiosn

An eigenvector of a linear transformation $A@ is a vector $v@ other than the zero vector such that $Av@ is a multiple of $v@. In other words $$ Av = cv @@ for some constant $c@, which is called the eigenvalue corresponding to $v@. If $c@ is positive then $v@ and $Av@ have the same direction, and if $c@ is less than $0@ then they have opposite directions. In other words, the directions of eigenvectors are those fixed, up to sign, by the transformation $A@.

In the applet just below, the red and blue arrows represent two vectors $u@ and $v@, and the lighter ones represent $Au@ and $Av@, where $A@ is set at the bottom. You can change $u@ and $v@ by dragging with the mouse. You can also change $A@. You can see easily when a vectors $w@ and $Aw@ have the same direction, and estimate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $A@.

There are essentially three types of behaviour possible: (1) Two fixed directions, (2) one fixed direction, (3) no fixed direction. These are illustrated by the cases where $A@ is $[[1 1][1 2]]@, $[[1 1][0 1]]@, or $[[1 -1][1 1]]@. These three types of behaviour characterize skew scale changes, generalized shears, or skew rotations. THe term skew here means that the axes are not necessarily perpendicular. A generalized shear is one that changes scale as it shears.

How can we keep track of the direction of a vector, as opposed to the vector itself? By normalizing it. In other words, if $v@ is any vector then there is exactly one vector with the same direction and length $1@. We can calculate it by dividing $v@ by its length $|v|@. If we combine the two ideas, we see that $v@ is an eigenvector of $A@ if one of these two possibilities occurs:

We learned from solving Kepler's equation one technique of finding the fixed points of functions: if we want to find $x@ such that $f(x) = x@ we pick some initial value for $x@ and iterate.

In the present circumstances, we carry out this modification:

The first applet shows the effect of iteration, preserviung the sequence of iterates.

The second shos directly how the normalized iterates converge.

In the applet below, we have a text-based variation of the iteration process. Apply calculates $Av@ from $v@, and Normalize replaces $v@ by $Av/|Av|@, Reset starts all over again.. You can change $A@. The process is now a bit different. We are applying the usual iteration to the first column, but normalization also replaces the second column by a vector perpendicular to $v@. THe second matrix is that of $A@ with respect to this orthogonal basis.