I'm writing my thesis using the csthesis template. I'm documenting any changes I make at the math dept wiki (SFU login required). At some point, I'll try to remember to submit these changes to the template.
I’ve switched to LaTeX-beamer for creating presentations.
Here are some rough LaTeX-beamer templates/tutorials from LaTeX sessions at SFU:
I used to use Prosper for my presentations. Before that I used FoilTeX. Here is a very rough prosper template.
This a LaTeX class file and template for creating a B.Sc. thesis that (hopefully) comforms to Acadia’s standards. It is based on a UBC template created by Anders G. S. Svensson (svensson[at]math.ubc.ca)
You can download it:
You may also want to download a copy of my B.Sc. thesis from Acadia.
Please mail me (cbm[at]math.sfu.ca) if any of these have moved or are deadlinks.
The following software is useful for creating LaTeX documents with Microsoft Windows (you could also consider switching to a GNU/Linux system):
Copyright © 2003--2008 Colin Macdonald.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire document is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.