.. Plom documentation Copyright 2022-2023 Colin B. Macdonald SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later Preparing an Exam ================= .. note:: This page of documentation is incomplete. For now, see https://plomgrading.org/docs/walkthrough/create.html Designing your test ------------------- What software should I use? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Its up to you. Plom will need a PDF file of your test (PDF files if you are using multiple versions). Plom came out of the mathematics community where LaTeX is commonly used, and we provide a template. But you can use any software you like. What should each "question" be? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. tip:: Plom defines a question as the smallest unit of independently markable material. So if 5(a) and 5(b) can be marked by TAs Jane and Austin *simultaneously* and *independently*, then those can be separate questions. You can use the ``label`` field in the test spec (see :ref:`Creating a spec`) to *display* the two questions as "5(a)" and "5(b)". Currently there is an additional constraint: each question must begin on a new page. We anticipate relaxing this requirement in the future. Note that questions can span multiple pages, even in a multi-versioned assessment. .. _Creating a spec: Creating a "spec file" ---------------------- For now, see https://plomgrading.org/docs/walkthrough/testspec.html Technical docs -------------- * The command-line tool :doc:`plom-create` is the current front-end for most tasks related starting a new test. * For scripting or other advanced usage, you can ``import plom.create`` in your own Python code. See :doc:`module-plom-create`.