Title: A Computation of Potential Vorticity Dynamics for
Small Rossby Number 2D Rotating Shallow Water
Joint work with Alana McKenzie
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, rotating shallow water, spectral methods, asymptotics
Title: Recovering Surfaces from Gradient Values
Keywords: finite element method, FEM, shade-from-shading
Title: Developing a Method of Computing the Boundary of the Polynomial
Numerical Hull
Keywords: polynomial numerical hull, $\epsilon$-pseudospectra, non-normal matrices, explicit front tracking
Title: Wavelets for Audio Compression
Keywords: haar wavelets, audio compression
Title: Bibliography of Fluid Dynmaics
Keywords: fluid dynamics, literature search
Title: Small Amplitude Oscillations In The Length of a
Keywords: pendula, perturbation theory, secular growth, floquet theory
Title: Essentially Non-Oscillatory (ENO) Schemes for the Spatial Discretization of Hyperbolic PDEs
Title: The Predicted Sequential Regularization Method for
Differential-Algebraic Equations
Keywords: sequential regularization methods, predicted sequential
regularization methods, method of lines.
Title: Solving Navier-Stokes Equations with Sequential
Regularization Methods
Keywords: incompressible navier-stokes, sequential regularization
methods, predicted sequential regularization methods, method of
Copyright © 2004, 2006 Colin Macdonald.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire document is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.