Math 104 - Phase 3 with Sujatha Ramdorai: in-class activities via worksheets and clicker questions. |
Title |
Description |
People involved |
Scheduled dates for work |
Status (2012.11.11) |
Documents |
Math 104.3.1 Instructor Materials |
Build structured worksheets, supported by clicker questions where appropriate, to be used in the last 20 minutes of each 80-minute lecture session (across all topics). |
WC, SR |
Fall 2012 |
Materials completed, materials from Phase 2 were reused for those topics. |
Math 104.3.2 Calculus Diagnostic Test |
Adjusted (but mostly reused from 2011) assessment tool to measure previous learning in calculus, as most Math 104 students have taken a Calc 1 course prior to UBC. |
WC |
Fall 12 |
Condusted in two cours sections; coding and analysis needed. |
Test and data available from Warren Code upon request. |
Math 104.3.3 WeBWorK Online Homework Analytics |
Review the WeBWorK assignments from 2010W and 2011W using an analysis of login times and reponse times by students. This was accomplished via a preprocessing python script that requires the login and response logs from WeBWorK, and an R script that displays graphs based on the processed files. |
WC |
Fall 12 |
Completed. The 2011 assignments, deemed harder based on survey data, did take students about an hour longer per week than the 2010 versions (according to the rough estimate). |
Scripts available from Warren Code. |
Math 104 - Phase 2 with Mark MacLean: comparison of teaching methods. |
Title |
Description |
People involved |
Scheduled dates for work |
Status (2012.11.11) |
Documents |
Math 104.2.1 Learning Goals |
Improve clarity of learning goals for topics under consideration this year: Related Rates and Linear Approximation |
MM, CP, WC, DK |
Fall 2011 |
Completed. |
See here for topic-level goals in Weeks 7 and 11+12; these new goals have been adopted into those used for the course. |
Math 104.2.2 Instructor Materials |
Build structured worksheets and homework assignments for the two topics, Related Rates and Linear Approximation. |
WC, DK |
Fall 2011 |
Materials completed and re-used in Jan-Apr and Sept-Dec 2012; collection and archiving needed. |
To appear. |
Math 104.2.3 Calculus Diagnostic Test |
Design an assessment tool to measure previous learning in calculus, as most Math 104 students have taken a Calc 1 course prior to UBC. |
WC |
Fall 11 |
Completed and updated in 2012. |
Test and data available from Warren Code upon request. |
Math 104.2.4 Instructional Method Observation |
Classroom observation of different teaching methods using the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol. |
WC |
Fall 11 |
Completed. The instrument was able to distinguish two major modes of instruction: "lecture with questions" where the instructor spends significant time on lecture and on whole-class discussions along with a few clicker quesitons, and a more interactive mode with more clicker questions and more student in-class work. |
Some raw data available from Warren Code upon request. Summary in pertinent categories in the (warning: MASSIVE pdf) RUME 15 Proceedings. |
Math 104.2.5 WeBWorK Online Homework Revision |
Review the WeBWorK assignments from 2010W and adjust them. |
MM, WC |
Summer 11 |
Completed; this newer batch was re-used in Fall 2012 and deemed more challenging overall that the 2012W sets. |
Needs further archiving, but currently available on the local UBC WeBWorK server hosted at UBC's CTLT. |
Math 104.2.6 Teaching Methods Comparison Study |
Using the above instruments, carefully compare the outcomes from two sections. |
WC, CP, DK, MM |
Fall 11, estimated completion early 2013 |
In progress with some early results disseminated via talks and conferences. |
Publication so far (warning: MASSIVE pdf) RUME 15 Proceedings, TRUSE 2012 poster, and other substantial publication in progress. UBC Science Supper Series in October 2012. In-class worksheet materials here. |
Math 104 - Phase 1 with Mark MacLean: in-class activities and course coordination. |
Title |
Description |
People involved |
Scheduled dates for work |
Status (2012.10.10) |
Documents |
Math 104.1.1 Learning Goals |
Write down learning goals for the course. Analyse exams and homework assignments for consistency with course learning goals |
MM, CP, WC |
Fall 08, Fall 10 |
First draft completed; reviewed and topic-level goals added Fall 2010. Reused with small adjustments in 2011 and 2012. |
Course Learning Goals |
Math 104.1.2 Instructor Materials |
Build "start-up" documentation and weekly learning guides that incorporate learning goals, practice problems, and relevant applications terminology to provide clearer expectations regarding content for the instructor team. |
MM, WC |
Summer/Fall 10, 11 |
Materials completed; collection and archiving completed in 2011W, resued in 2012W with the requisite term schedule adjustments (same content, slightly different weeks). Distributed during the term via email and at weekly instructor meetings. |
Documents are not public, but may be accessed via the Math Department's course archive. |
Math 104.1.3 Pre-post tests |
Design or use an existing assessment tool to measure learning across multiple sections which are taught using different methods (clickers/pre-class quizzes vs. traditional). |
MM, WC |
Fall 10 |
Tested a few items on the midterm exams, and somewhat via conceptual questions on the final exam, though not really any resusable items. See the assessments in Phase 2 for more useful items. |
Math 104.1.4 Online Quiz and Homework |
Develop online homework questions well-suited to the social science applications in the course, as well as online quiz materials for pre-reading. |
MM, summer student |
Summer 10 |
Complete; Online HW are in WeBWorK system, pre-reading quizzes were cancelled. Online HW updated in 2011 and reused 2012, now supplanting most paper-based HW. |
Available in local WeBWorK repository. Contact Pan Luo at UBC's CTLT for more information. |
Math 104.1.5 Online Homework Lab |
Obtain lab time for students to work on weekly online homework assignments. Observe students during these labs and provide feedback on their interaction with the material/technology. |
Fall 10 |
Cancelled; will examine online HW data instead. |
Math 104.1.6 Background Diagnostic |
Design diagnostic test with attitude/perceptions survey to assess student background when taking Math 104 or 184 with respect to program and prior calculus knowledge. |
MM, WC, SM, JL |
Fall 10, 11, 12 |
Pretest and Posttest both given; this has been the joint MAPS (Math Attitudes and Perceptions Survey) project with Joseph Lo and Sandra Merchant. Fall 2012 is the final stage where confirmatory data is being collected. |
Link to survey materials will appear here; for now please email Warren Code. |
Math 104.1.7 Engagement Observation |
Classroom observation of different teaching methods using the engagement protocol developed by UBC CWSEI. |
WC |
Fall 10 |
Upon investigation and practice, the existing protocol is not helpful in measuring non-engagement in typical Math lectures with extensive note-taking. May look for other measures in future. The Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol was used in Phase 2. |
Math 104.1.8 Attitude Survey (not MAPS) |
Design and administer a survey at the end of the second semester (a full term after completing 104) to determine students' attitudes towards the different teaching methods used throughout the course. |
WC, MM |
Spring 10 |
Completed, though low response. |
This particular data not useful due to low response, but the attitude survey project matured significantly. |
Math 104.1.9 Clicker Questions |
Design and record clicker questions which can be added to the course archive to be used by future instructors. |
MM, WC |
Summer/Fall 10, 11, 12 |
In Progress. The software for archiving clicker questions is still a matter of debate and the original plan fell through. |
An initial attempt at passing on clicker questions can be found here. |
Math 104.1.10 In-class Activities |
Design and record discovery-based in-class activities which can be added to the course archive to be used by future instructors. |
MM, WC |
Fall/Summer 10 |
Worksheets were adapted and extended in Summer 2010, Winter 2012 and Fell 2012. |
Archiving with data will occur as part of Phase 3. |
Math 104.1.11 Instructor Cohesion |
Interview recent instructors to look for possible improvements in coordination. Instructors from 2009W: after the course. Instructors from 2010W: during and after the course. |
WC |
Spring 10 |
Completed (Spring 10) |
Very favourable reviews from the instructors about the course coordination methods, especially those who taught the course in the previous year as well. Follow-up with new coordinator during Phase 3. |
Math 104.1.12 Retention |
Administer the pre-post test (104.1.2) to students in third year (possibly during Econ 301) to assess retention of calculus knowledge and skills. |
Fall 10 |
Not started |