Math 361

Course information, Winter Term 2001/2002


Dr. Michael Doebeli
Office: Math 211
Office hours: Wednesday 10-12 a.m., or by appointment
Telephone: 822-3378

Teaching Assistant:

Clive Glover
Office: Wesbrook 315
Office hours: Friday 11 -12 a.m., or by appointment
Telephone: 822-6986


Classes: MWF 2-3 p.m., Math 104


Homework: 10%
Midterm: 40% (Wednesday, October 24)
Final: 50%

Course notes:

There is a required textbook that I will follow rather closely in the course. In addition, I recommend taking notes during class. The textbook we will be using was written by Prof. Leah Keshet from the Department of Mathematics at UBC:

Edelstein-Keshet, L. Mathematical Models in Biology. (Birkhauser, 1988) ISBN 0-07-554950-6 (hardcover).

The textbook is available at the UBC Bookstore.


There will be weekly homework assignments. Homework will not be graded. However, solutions to most homework questions will be made available on the class web site. It is very important that you try to solve all homework problems, and that you spend a siginificant amount of time each week on the homework. Even though homework will not be graded, and will therefore not contribute to your final grade, being able to do the homework problems is essential for doing well on the midterm and on the final. To test your skills, there will be a short quiz at the end of each Friday class. The quiz questions will be very similar to some of the homework questions for that week. The quiz will be graded and contributes 10% to your overall grade. Quizzes also allow you to assess where you stand.


Relevant material and information will be posted on the class web site: Math 361. Please contact either the instructor or the TA for further assistance.

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