Mathematical Methods for Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prerequisites: One of MATH 215, 255, 256, 265 and one of MATH 152, 221, 223.
Joel Feldman
Class Times and Location
- The course meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 to 1:50 in room CEME 1202.
Text (Optional)
R. W. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, John Wiley.
Other References
Alan Oppenheim, Alan Willsky with S. Hamid Nawab,
Signals and Systems, second edition, Prentice Hall, 1997.
Richard G. Froese, Partial Differential Equations,
UBC M257/316 Lecture notes free on the Web at
I will post all handouts, problem sets, etc. on the web
- Review of ordinary differential equations.
- Introduction to partial differential equations - wave and diffusion equations.
- Method of separation of variables.
- Introduction to Fourier Series.
- Complex Numbers.
- Applications of Fourier Series to circuits.
- The Fourier transform with applications.
- The Dirac delta function and convolutions.
- The telegraph equation.
- Discrete Fourier transform.
- The z-transform.
- There will be four 50 minute midterms on Friday, January 26, Monday, February 12, Wednesday, March 7 and Monday, March 26.
The best three out of four midterm exams (with 0 for a missed exam) will count for
50% of the course grade.
- Homework will not be handed in. You are strongly advised to work out the
homework problems in detail as they will give you practice in the techniques
learned in class and provide an essential help in preparing for midterm and
final examinations. The suggested homework problems will be posted.
- The final exam will account for 50% of the final mark.
- In order to make course grade
standards consistent across sections the raw final grade will be scaled.
- The midterms and final examination will be strictly
closed book: no books, notes, formula sheets or calculators will
be allowed.
- There is no supplemental examination in this course.
- Missing a midterm normally results in a mark of 0.
Exceptions may be granted in two cases: prior consent of the instructor
or a medical emergency. In the latter case, the instructor must be
notified within 48 hours of the missed test, and presented with a doctor's
note immediately upon the student's return to UBC.
- No make-up exams will be given.