I am the proud recipient of a UBC Faculty of Science Killam Teaching Prize in 2007. This prize recognizes instructors who have shown “the ability to motivate students and stimulate critical thinking, sustained teaching excellence and development of innovative approaches to teaching methodology and curricula.” It is one of several awards established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam by his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, through gifts made during her lifetime and through her will. The citation for my Killam Prize read:

Dr. Greg Martin believes that the first prerequisite for an instructor is “profound, robust understanding of the material in the course and its place in the field as a whole.” Here in the UBC Mathematics Department, he has taken on courses notorious for challenging the reputations of students and instructors alike, such as mathematical proofs in MATH 220. Even in the most difficult courses, Greg Martin is clear and funny, and students rate him as one of the most effective math instructors. He delights when course evaluations read “the class was really hard, one of my hardest ever; I had to work like a dog the whole term. It was a great class!”

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