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Izabella Laba
My main research areas are harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory
and additive combinatorics.
I have also worked in mathematical physics and PDE theory.
For more details, see my Research topics
and Publications pages.
Awards and honours:
AWM-MAA Etta Z. Falconer Lecturer, 2016
(press release)
- Invited section speaker,
International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, August 2014.
"Being invited to speak at the ICM is often regarded as one of the highest honours that a mathematician can receive. It is a truly international recognition of the depth and ground breaking impact of their research."
- University of Toronto Math News
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
Fields Institute Fellow, 2009
Krieger-Nelson Prize, Canadian Mathematical Society, 2008
Coxeter-James Prize, Canadian Mathematical Society, 2004