Mathematics 226 (Advanced Calculus I), Fall 2009
MWF 12:00-12:50, MATH 104
Functions of several variables: limits, continuity, differentiability;
implicit functions; Taylor's theorem; extrema; Lagrange multipliers;
multiple integration, Fubini's theorem; improper integrals.
Please note that Math 226 and 227 are advanced courses, appropriate only for students
with a genuine interest in and talent for mathematics.
Prerequisites: A score of 68% or higher in Math 121,
or a score of 80% or higher in one of MATH 101, MATH 103, MATH 105, SCIE 001.
Corequisites: One of MATH 152, MATH 221, MATH 223.
Instructor: Dr. I. Laba (Math Bldg 200, (604) 822 4457,
ilaba at
Office hours: Mon 11-12, Wed 2-3, Fri 1-2, in MATH 200. If you cannot come to office
hours, please make an appointment in advance. Drop-ins and same-day
requests for appointments cannot usually be accommodated.
Textbook: S.J. Colley, Vector Calculus, 3rd ed.,
Prentice Hall 2005.
Course web page:
Your course mark will be based on homework (10%), two midterms
(20% each), and the final exam (50%).
Grades will be scaled to match the distribution of grades on
the final exam.
There will be two in-class 50 minute midterms scheduled on Wednesdays, October 7
and November 4, and a 2.5 hour final exam in December.
The date of the final examination will be announced by the Registar later
in the term.
The level of the final exam (but NOT of the term exams) will be similar to
the level of a Math 200 or 253 final exam with the possible addition of one or
two harder problems, so that you can expect to receive a grade similar to what you
would have received if you had taken one of these non-honours courses.
Attendance at the final examination is required, so be careful about
making other committments (such as travel) before this date is confirmed.
All examinations will be strictly closed-book:
no formula sheets, calculators, or other aids will be allowed.
Homeworks: There will be 6 homework assigmnents, due on Wednesdays,
September 16, September 30, October 21, October 28, November 18,
and November 25. Each assignment will be due at the beginning
of the class on the indicated day. If you cannot come
to class, you may drop off your homework at my office or the main Math office
(Math Bldg 121) prior to the start of class. Assignments
handed in after the first 5 minutes of class will receive a 10% late penalty;
assignments handed in later than the end of class will not be accepted. The average
of the best 4 out of the 6 assignments will constitute the homework portion of your
course grade.
Academic concession. Missing a midterm, or handing in a homework
after the deadline, will normally result in a mark of 0.
Exceptions may be granted in two cases: prior consent of the
instructor, or a medical emergency. There will be no make-up midterms.
If your request for academic concession is approved,
your provisional course mark will normally be based on your remaining coursework (homework: 10%,
midterms and final exam: a total of 90%).
Useful links:
[Mathematics Department]
[University of British Columbia]