Mathematics 421/510: current and upcoming topics
Chapter 1: Linear Spaces
Chapter 2: Linear Maps
- We only need the definition of a linear mapping, the basic properties at
the beginning of Section 2.1, and Theorem 1 in that section. We are skipping the
rest of the chapter.
Chapter 3: The Hahn-Banach Theorem
- The Hahn-Banach theorem
- The gauge of a convex body and the hyperplane separation theorem
- The Hahn-Banach theorem for complex linear spaces (Section 3.3, Theorem 8)
- Skip Theorem 7 in Section 3.3
Interlude: Lp Spaces
- The Holder and Minkowski inequalities
- Lp spaces as Banach spaces
- Approximation of Lp functions by simple functions (on general
metric spaces) and continuous functions (on Rn)
- C0(Rn) as the completion of
- This material is not included in the Lax textbook. See any introductory text
on real analysis, e.g. W. Rudin, "Real and Complex Analysis", or G. Folland, "Real
Chapter 5: Normed Linear Spaces
- Normed spaces and Banach spaces
- Separability
- Noncompactness of the unit ball
- Uniform convexity
Chapter 6: Hilbert Spaces
- Scalar product, orthogonality, orthogonal decomposition
- Linear functionals on Hilbert spaces
- Orthonormal bases
- Application: Dirichlet's problem (Section 7.2)
Chapter 8: Duals of Normed Linear Spaces
- Bounded linear functionals and dual spaces
- Lp duality (see e.g. W. Rudin, "Real and Complex Analysis")
- Reflexive spaces
Chapter 10: Weak Convergence
- Weak convergence of sequences
- Principle of uniform boundedness (I followed the proof in Conway's Functional
- Weak sequential compactness
- Weak* convergence of sequences
- Weak* sequential compactness
Chapter 11: Applications of Weak Convergence
- Approximate identity (Section 11.1)
- Divergence of Fourier series (Section 11.2)
- Weak solutions of partial differential equations (Section 11.5; we only covered
the 1-dimensional case)
Chapter 12: The Weak and Weak* Topologies
- Weak topology, weak* topology
- Alaoglu's theorem
Chapter 15: Bounded Linear Maps
- Bounded linear maps, norm, nullspace, range, transpose
- Strong and weak convergence of operators
- The open mapping and closed graph theorems (Section 15.5; we'll skip the proofs)
Chapter 28: Compact Symmetric Operators in Hilbert Space
- For the definition of a compact operator, see Section 21.1.
- Symmetric operators on Hilbert spaces
- The spectral theorem for compact symmetric operators (Theorem 3)
- Skip the rest of the chapter.
Chapter 29: Examples of Compact Symmetric Operators
- The inverse of a differential operator (Section 29.2)
Conclusion: A very brief introduction to unbounded operators