Syntax error:
missing operator or ';'
Maple's parser came to the point in your input where it has now put the cursor and discovered an error: two things occur next to each other that are not allowed to do so. They must be separated by an operator (e.g. + , - , * , / or ^ ) or separated into different statements by ; or : .
The most common cause of this error is omitting the * for multiplication. Another is omitting the parentheses after a function such as sin . These are the two most important ways in which Maple input differs from normal mathematical notation: multiplication requires a sign, and all functions require parentheses around their arguments.
You can check your input line for syntax errors without attempting to execute it by clicking the check-mark button on the context bar.
> 3 a + b;
missing operator or `;`
> 3*a + b;
> sin x;
missing operator or `;`
> sin(x);
See also: context bar , arithmetic operators , functions
Maple Advisor Database R. Israel, 1998