Function: splitup - break up an integral, sum or product

Calling Sequence:

splitup(f, a);

splitup(f, a, vflag);

splitup(f, x = a);

splitup(f, x = a, vflag);


f - an expression, usually containing at least one unevaluated definite integral, sum, or product

a - a value for the dummy or index variable of the int, sum or product

x - a dummy or index variable name (possibly indexed)

vflag - (optional) true or false.



> splitup(Int(f(x),x=a..c), b);

Int(f(x),x = a .. b)+Int(f(x),x = b .. c)

> splitup(Sum(b[i], i=1 .. infinity) - Sum(b[i], i = 3 .. infinity), i = 3);


> splitup(Sum(Product(c[i,j], i=k .. n), j = 1 .. m), i = p);

Sum(Product(c[i,j],i = k .. p-1)*Product(c[i,j],i =...

See also: Int , Sum , Product , combine , assume , interface

Maple Advisor Database R. Israel, 1997