Function: quickplot3d - fast 3-d curve or point plotting of a list or hfarray

Calling sequence:



L - a list, hfarray or Matrix of the points to be plotted. In the case of a list, each element is a point (represented as a list with three elements). An hfarray or Matrix should have two indices: the first goes from 1 to the number n of points, the second goes from 1 to 3. In the case of a Matrix the datatype should be float[8] and the order should be C_order .

options - most of the usual three-dimensional plot options.



> H:= hfarray(1..3000,1..3,
(i,j)->if j=1 then 0.001*i elif j=3 then cos(.1*i) else sin(.1*i) fi);

                          [ 1..3000 x 1..3 2-D Array ]
H := [ Data Type: float[8] ]
[ Storage: rectangular ]
[ Order: C_order ]

> quickplot3d(H,style=line,axes=box,scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

> quickplot3d(H,axes=box,coords=spherical,scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

The next example represents the attractor of the Rössler system of differential equations for a = 1/5 , b = 1/5 and c = 5 .

> de:= {diff(x(t),t) = -y(t)-z(t),diff(y(t),t)=x(t)+y(t)/5,

> sol:= dsolve(de,[x(t),y(t),z(t)],numeric,value=

> pts:= hfarray(linalg[submatrix](sol[2,1],1..4001,2..4));

                           [ 1..4001 x 1..3 2-D Array ]
pts := [ Data Type: float[8] ]
[ Storage: rectangular ]
[ Order: C_order ]

> quickplot3d(pts,axes=frame,title="Rössler system",shading=XY,labels=[x,y,z]);

[Maple Plot]

See also:

evalhf , hfarray , plot3d[options] , Plotting a sequence of points , pointplot3d , quickplot

Maple Advisor Database R. Israel 2000