Function: chart - show a table of function values

Calling Sequences:


chart(heading, values, flag);


heading - a list of expressions, each depending on the first member of the list

values - a list of expressions, which are to be substituted for the first member of heading .

flag - a boolean value.



> chart([x, x^2, 1/x],[1,2,3],false);

MATRIX([[x, x^2, 1/x], [1, 1, 1], [2, 4, 1/2], [3, ...

> chart([x, x^2, 1/x], [1,2,3]);

MATRIX([[x, x^2, 1/x], [1., 1., 1.], [2., 4., .5000...

> f:= x -> x^2:

> chart([x, 'f(x)', Int('f(t)', t = 0 .. x)],[1, .1, .01, .001]);

MATRIX([[x, f(x), Int(f(t),t = 0 .. x)], [1., 1., ....

See also: matrix , evalf

Maple Advisor Database R. Israel, 1997