, where
is the gamma function, and let
be the cubic polynomial that best approximates
on the unit disk in the supremum norm
. What is
Since the functions are analytic, the supremum will occur on the unit circle. So write f(z) and p(z) as functions of t where z = exp(I*t).
> | restart; F:= t -> 1/GAMMA(exp(I*t)); F(Pi):= 0; |
> | P:= (a,t) -> a[0] + a[1]*exp(I*t)+ a[2]*exp(2*I*t)+a[3]*exp(3*I*t); |
Note that
has the symmetry
. It is easy to show that the best approximation must have that symmetry too, which means we can assume the coefficients
are real. And then
, so it suffices to take
in the interval
It's convenient to have the conjugates of these functions available.
> | Fbar:= t -> 1/GAMMA(exp(-I*t));Fbar(Pi):= 0; |
> | Pbar:= (a,t) -> P(a,-t); |
We have to minimize with respect to
the maximum with respect to
(this is a quadratic polynomial in
, so it's a bit simpler to deal with than
). I can change this from a min-max question to a constrained minimization by writing it as
(with respect to
) subject to
for each
Now write the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions:
The Lagrangian is
Formally the sum is over all
. In general this might run into technical problems, but they won't occur here:
will be nonzero for only finitely many
. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions say
, and
Note that this last condition implies
for only finitely many
, since
for only finitely many
Also, since the objective is linear and the constraints are convex, we don't have to worry about local minima. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions should have a unique solution, which will give us the global minimum.
Finding the solution is not so easy, however. I spent some time exploring the parameter space, looking for approximate solutions.
For a starting point, we can use a Taylor polynomial for f(z), corresponding to a partial sum of the Fourier series for F(t). This will give us the best approximation in the L^2 norm on the circle.
> | ptayl:= taylor(1/GAMMA(z),z=0,4); |
> | a0:= table([seq(j=evalf(coeff(ptayl,z,j)),j=0..3)]); |
> | plot(abs(P(a0,t)-F(t))^2,t=0..Pi); |
Here's a fast way to approximate the maximum of
. Instead of all t, I'll just look at 90 of them.
It's more convenient to use the list
rather than the table
(whose indices start at 0).
> | eits:= evalf([seq(exp(I*i*Pi/90),i=0..90)]): fvals:= evalf([seq(F(i*Pi/90),i=0..90)]): appnorm:= proc(L) local i; max(seq( abs(fvals[i]-L[1]-eits[i]*(L[2]+eits[i]*(L[3]+eits[i]*L[4]))),i=1..91)) end: |
Now we generate random steps from the current L, accepting the step if it improves the norm.
> | ti:= time(): bestL:= [a0[0],a0[1],a0[2],a0[3]]: bestnorm:= appnorm(bestL); for iter from 1 to 5000 do L:= bestL + .01*exp(-.001*iter)*[stats[random,normald](4)]; newnorm:= appnorm(L); if newnorm < bestnorm then bestL:= L; bestnorm:= newnorm; print ("iteration",iter,bestnorm,L); else L:= 2*bestL-L; newnorm:= appnorm(L); if newnorm < bestnorm then bestL:= L; bestnorm:= newnorm; print ("iteration",iter,bestnorm,L); fi fi od: (time()-ti)*seconds; |
The last solution turns out to have 4 correct digits of the actual answer.
> | a1:= table([seq(j=bestL[j+1],j=0..3)]); |
In our approximate solution,
is close to constant from about
> | plot(abs(F(t)-P(a1,t)),t=0..Pi); |
On closer inspection, it achieves its maximum at three points in this interval, one of which is
> | plot(abs(F(t)-P(a1,t)),t=1..Pi,0.21 .. 0.21437 ); |
> | peak1:= fsolve(diff((F(t)-P(a1,t))*(Fbar(t)-Pbar(a1,t)),t), t= 1.4 .. 1.5); peak1:= simplify(%,zero); |
> | peak2:= simplify(fsolve(diff((F(t)-P(a1,t))*(Fbar(t)-Pbar(a1,t)),t), t= 2.2 .. 2.3),zero); v1:= evalf(abs(F(Pi)-P(a1,Pi))^2); |
So we should expect
for three values of
, say
. We write the KKT equations with this assumption; note that in order to have
for all
we need
. This is automatic at
> | t[3]:= Pi: kkt:= [ 1 - (lambda[1]+lambda[2]+lambda[3]), seq( add(((Pbar(a,t[i])-Fbar(t[i]))*exp(j*I*t[i])+(P(a,t[i])-F(t[i]))*exp(-j*I*t[i]))*lambda[i],i=1..3),j=0..3), seq( (F(t[i])-P(a,t[i]))*(Fbar(t[i])-Pbar(a,t[i])) - v, i=1..3), seq(eval(diff((F(t)-P(a,t))*(Fbar(t)-Pbar(a,t)),t), t=t[i]),i=1..2)]; |
Here's what we have for these equations at our approximate solution.
> | evalf(eval(kkt,{a=a1,t[1]=peak1, t[2]=peak2, v = v1})); |
> | simplify(fnormal(%),zero); |
We need values for the Lagrange multipliers
, from an overdetermined system with
5 equations involving these.
> | remove(type,%,constant); |
> | lambdas:=linalg[leastsqrs](convert(%,set),{lambda[1],lambda[2],lambda[3]}); subs(lambdas,%%); |
Now using this approximate solution as a starting point, we solve the KKT equations using fsolve.
> | approxsol:= lambdas union {seq(a[i]=a1[i],i=0..3),t[1]=peak1, t[2]=peak2, v = v1}; |
> | Digits:= 30: fsolve(convert(kkt,set), approxsol); |
> | sol:=simplify(fnormal(%),zero); |
And the answer is:
> | ans:= subs(sol,sqrt(v)); |
This is actually correct to 30 digits.