Problem 7:
be the 20,000 x 20,000 matrix whose entries are zero everywhere except for the primes 2, 3, 5, 7, ..., 224737 along the main diagonal and the number 1 in all the positions
,2,4,8,...,16384. What is the (1,1) entry of
This is equivalent to computing
after solving
, where
. The system is diagonally dominant, and we use an iterative method:
, where D is the diagonal of
(but without actually constructing the matrices). Gonnet used a Darwin program, equivalent to the following in Maple.
> | b:= Array(1..20000,datatype=float[8]): b[1]:= 1: x:= Array(1..20000,datatype=float[8]): primes:= Array(1..20000,datatype=float[8]): for i from 1 to 20000 do primes[i]:= ithprime(i) od: |
> | solvproc:= proc(N) local iter, toterr, i, rhs, ij, newxi; global x; for i from 1 to N do x[i]:= 0 od: for iter to 40 do toterr := 0; for i to N do rhs := b[i]; ij := 1; while ij < N do if i-ij > 0 then rhs := rhs - x[i-ij] fi; if i+ij <= N then rhs := rhs - x[i+ij] fi; ij := 2*ij od; newxi := rhs/primes[i]; toterr := toterr + abs(newxi-x[i]); x[i] := newxi od; if toterr=0 then break fi; lprint(toterr); od: x[1]; end; |
> | ti:= time(): evalhf(solvproc(20000)); (time()-ti)*seconds ; |
This answer is correct to 14 digits.