Errata in Calculus the Maple Way Note that " for recalling the last output has been changed to % in Release 5. p.2. "In XWindows, however, ... does nothing". This was changed in Release 4: Return and Enter are now interchangeable. p.10. "Maple output pastes into word processors in the "character" style". Since Release 4.00b it is possible to paste output as graphics. Use "Paste As" rather than "Paste" in your word processor, and choose "graphics". p. 12. "On a colour monitor, the different curves are plotted in different colours". This is not true for "implicitplot" in Release 4 or 5. p. 16, bottom: "except in Release 4 output where it is i". This was true in very early versions of Release 4, but it was changed back to I. p. 20. Both interval(a .. b, x) and interval(a, b, x) are used on this page. In fact the definition of interval on p. 248 allows only interval(a .. b,x). A new definition of interval in the online "interval.def" file allows both syntaxes. p. 21. First line of Plotting With Jumps: "Example 2" should be "Example 3". p. 48, definition of vy: > vy:= subs(t=t1[1], diff(yp,t)); p. 53: > fsolve(D(vol)(theta) = 0, theta, theta = 2.9 .. 3.5); In Release 4 and up, D(vol) is undefined at theta = b (this is correct, the function vol is not differentiable there). The presence of "undefined" causes fsolve to fail (fsolve treats it as another variable). This can be fixed by making "undefined" a constant: before the fsolve command insert > constants:= constants, undefined; p. 61, ex. 8(c). x^(-1/x) should be x^(1/x) p. 70 bottom. ` `:= `` should be `~`:= `` p. 76, third Maple command: > va:= fsolve(denom(f(x)) = 0, x); va:= 1.130395435 (the value va is used in the final command on p. 77) p. 77, command at bottom. In Release 4, a bug in Maple prevents "discont=true" from working here. For a temporary patch, enter the following commands first: > readlib(`plot/discontplot`): > `plot/discontplot`:= subs(infinity=anything,eval(`plot/discontplot`)); The bug has been fixed in Release 5. p. 89, 249. "You may, if you wish, put in other plot options such as a colour". This can't be done in "rbox" as currently found in "riemann.def". The following definition allows plot options to be included in the "rbox" command. rbox:= proc(g) local ii; plot({ f(x), [ seq(op(rect(X(ii-1),X(ii),g(ii))),ii=1..n)]}, x = a..b, args([2..nargs]); end; p. 91, ex. 8 (a). t = (b/a)^(1/n), not (a/b)^(1/n) p. 91, ex. 9 answers were appended to end of exercise. p. 95. > simplify("); For Release 4 and up this must be changed to > simplify(", power); p. 104., Maple output from "simpson" command: g(x) should be g(a). p. 112, ex. 6 second (b) should be (c), (c) should be (d). p. 114, second-last line > plot([f(nn/10), g(nn/10)], ... In Release 4 and up you need an extra pair of brackets: > plot([[f(nn/10), g(nn/10)]], ... p. 115. Results of first Maple command: s = -3.027824597, not -.3027824597 Second fsolve command: r = -5 .. 5, not -5 .. -5 p. 129, ex. 4. Should be (n!)^2 in the denominator, not n!. p. 130, ex. 9(a). Reverse inequalities: Int(g(x), x = A .. B) > Sum(g(n), n = A+1 .. B) > Int(g(x), x = A+1 .. B+1). p. 167 and 249, definition of imptaylor. Final x-a should be x=a. imptaylor:= (eq, y, b, x, a, n) -> taylor(b +(x-a) * convert(taylor(RootOf(subs(y=b+(x-a)*_Z, eq)),x=a,n-1), polynom) + (x-a)^n, x=a, n); p. 174. In early versions of Release 4, you can't use "%1" to get the "RootOf" expression. Instead, after obtaining "cps", do the following: > rootof:= subs(cps, y); > rts:= fsolve(op(rootof)); And then get the points corresponding to these roots by > s1:= map(r -> subs(rootof=r, cps), [rts]); p. 183. ex. 5(b): Take a, b and c as in (a), and let "newt" be the Newton's method iteration function corresponding to the system of equations defining the two curves. Find the ... in powers of x-1 and y-2. p. 192, beside figure: need braces in last command: > display({sph, cyl}, > scaling=constrained); p.217, first paragraph: "... but the parametric version of "plot3d" insists on the parameter intervals being constant." This limitation does not apply in Release 4 and up. p. 227. "Curiously, the last calculation doesn't work in Release 2 or 3 ...". It also doesn't work in Release 4 or 5. ..."(although a scalar multiple of a vector would work)". No, it wouldn't. p. 246. Exercise 2(c): Replace the equation by y' = -y^2 + 2 y - 1 + 2 x + 2 x^2 y-2 x^2 - x^4. p. 248. New definition of "chart" works better (especially in Release 4): chart := (head,vals) -> MATRIX([head, seq(evalf(eval(subs(head[1]=vals[i],head))), i=1..nops(vals))]): p. 251. "Pressing Enter instead of Return in Xmaple". This applies only prior to Release 4. p. 259, answer to Lab 1, 7(c): y = b + (d-b)/(c-a)*(x-a) + k*(x-a)*(x-c) p. 261, answer to Lab 15, ex. 7: should be -1/20. p. 261, answer to Lab 17, ex. 9: There are eight solutions, not just the two shown. p. 269 entry for "interval" should use interval(a .. b, x).