September 5
Friday, 3pm |
John Heywood
(UBC) |
A curious phenomenon in a model
suggestive of the hydrodynamic inertial range and smallest
scale of motion |
September 12
Friday, 3pm |
Aaron Bertram
(University of Utah) |
Localizing to get Relations in Cohomology
September 19
Friday, 3pm |
Jingyi Chen
(UBC) |
Recent progress of mean curvature flow in
higher codimension
September 26
Friday, 3pm |
Brian Wetton
(UBC) |
A Simple but Comprehensive Fuel Cell Model
October 3
Friday, 3pm |
Thamay Chellathurai
(University of Waterloo) |
Dynamic Portfolio Selection with
Fixed and/or Proportional Transaction Costs
using Non-Singular Stochastic Optimal Control Theory |
October 10
Friday, 3pm |
Yue-Xian Li
(UBC) |
A Model of Calcium Waves and a Theory of Waves in Inhomogeneous Media
October 17
Friday, 3pm |
Kai Behrend
(UBC) |
October 24
Friday, 3pm |
Shicheng Wang
(Peking University) |
Certain dynamics on 3-manifolds and
embedding open 3-manifolds into 3-space
October 31
Friday, 3pm |
Michael Lacey
(Georgia Institute of Technology) |
Convergence of Fourier Series: Past, Present, Future
November 7
Friday, 3pm |
Jon Wolfson
(Michigan State) |
Lagrangian Cycles and Volume
November 14
Friday, 3pm |
Oded Schramm
(Microsoft) |
Scaling limits of random 2D processes
November 21
Friday, 3pm |
John Urbas
(Australia National University) |
Self-similar solutions of Gauss curvature flows.
December 9th
Tuesday, 3pm |
Karl Rubin
(Stanford University) |
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves
December 11th
Thursday, 3pm |
Alejandro Adem
(University of Wisconsin) |
Periodic Complexes, Fixity and Group Actions
January 12th
Monday, 4pm, Room Math 203 |
Robert McCann
(University of Toronto) |
Phase transitions and symmetry-breaking in
singular diffusion.
January 16th
Friday, 3pm |
Ozgur Yilmaz
(University of Maryland) |
Approximation Theory of Quantization of
Redundant Expansions
January 23rd
Friday, 3pm |
Nitya Kitchloo
(Johns Hopkins University) |
Topology of Infinite dimensional groups
January 26th Monday, 4pm, Room Math 203
| Ulrich Horst
(Humboldt University of Berlin) | The mathematical modelling of market
microstructure |
January 30th
Friday, 3pm |
Daniel Dugger
(University of Oregon) |
Motivic homotopy theory and some applications
February 2nd Monday, 4pm, Room Math 203
| Emina Soljanin
(Bell Labs) | Frames in Quantum and Classical Information Theory |
February 6th
Friday, 3pm |
Gordan Zitcovic
(Carnegie Mellon University) |
Maximizing utility in financial markets
February 9th Monday, 4pm, Room Math 203
| Adam Oberman
(University of Texas at Austin) | Building solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial
differential equations. |
February 13th
Friday, 3pm |
Murti Salapaka
(Iowa State University) |
MultiObjective Robust Control
February 20th
Friday, 3pm |
No Colloquium -- Spring break
February 23rd
Monday, 4:00pm |
Burak Erdogan
(University of California, Berkeley |
Distance set problem and weighted Fourier extension estimates
February 26th
Thursday, 4:00pm Room MATH 229 |
Xiaochun Li
(University of California, Los Angeles |
Hilbert transform along a C1+e vector field
February 27th
Friday, 3pm |
Yuval Peres
(University of California, Berkeley and Microsoft Research) |
Point processes, the stable marriage
algorithm, and Gaussian power series
March 5th
Friday, 3pm |
Giovanni P. Galdi
(University of Pittsburgh) |
Mathematical Modelling of Non-Newtonian Fluids with Applications.
March 19th
Friday, 3pm |
Greg Martin
(UBC) |
Prime number races
March 26th
Friday, 3pm |
Bruce Sutherland
(University of Alberta) |
Internal Wave Tunnelling
April 2nd
Friday, 3pm |
(Stanford University) |
A geometric Littlewood-Richardson rule
April 5th
Monday, 4:00pm |
Richard Kenyon
(Universite Paris-Sud) |
Asymptotic shapes of crystalline surfaces
April 27th
Tuesday, 3:00pm |
Ben Green
(UBC) |
Arithmetic progressions of prime numbers.
April 30th
Friday, 3:00pm Room Math 100 |
Vitaly Bergelson
(Ohio State University) |
Ergodic Theory Along Polynomials and Ramsey Theory