Chin, L., Yue, P., Feng, J. J. & Seow, C. Y.
Biophys. J. 91, 3653-3663 (2006)
Abstract - Muscle contraction underlies many
essential functions such as breathing, heart beating, locomotion,
regulation of blood pressure and airway resistance. Active shortening
of muscle is the result of cycling of myosin crossbridges that leads to
sliding of myosin filaments relative to actin filaments. In this study,
we developed a computer program that allowed us to alter the rates of
transitions between any crossbridge states in a stochastic cycle. The
crossbridge states within the cycle were divided into attached (between
myosin crossbridges and actin filaments) and detached states. The
population of crossbridges in each of the states was determined by the
transition rates throughout the cycle; differential equations
describing the transitions were set up as a cyclic matrix. A method for
rapidly obtaining steady-state solutions for the cyclic matrix was
developed to allow the computer to display results of simulation almost
instantly; the immediate feedback was found very helpful in model
development and refinement. In a 7-state model, two power strokes were
assumed for each crossbridge cycle, one before phosphate release, and
one after. The characteristic hyperbolic force-velocity relationship
observed in muscle contraction was reproduced by the model. Deviation
from the single hyperbolic behavior at low velocities was mimicked by
allowing the rate of crossbridge attachment to vary with velocity. The
effects of [ATP], [ADP], and [Pi] were simulated by changing transition
rates between specific states in the cycle. The model has revealed new
insights on how the force-velocity characteristics are related to the
state transitions in the crossbridge cycle.