Pengtao Yue, Chunfeng Zhou, James J. Feng, Carl F. Ollivier-Gooch & Howard H. Hu
J. Comput. Phys. 219, 47-67 (2006)
Abstract - This paper describes a novel
numerical algorithm for simulating interfacial dynamics of
non-Newtonian fluids. The interface between two immiscible fluids is
treated as a thin mixing layer across which physical properties vary
steeply but continuously. The property and evolution of the interfacial
layer is governed by a phase-field variable φ that obeys a
Cahn-Hilliard type of convection-diffusion equation. This circumvents
the task of directly tracking the interface, and produces the correct
interfacial tension from the free energy stored in the mixing layer.
Viscoelasticity and other types of constitutive equations can be
incorporated easily into the variational phase-field framework. The
greatest challenge of this approach is in resolving the sharp gradients
at the interface. This is achieved by using an efficient adaptive
meshing scheme governed by the phase-field variable. The finiteelement
scheme easily accommodates complex flow geometry and the adaptive
meshing makes it possible to simulate large-scale two-phase systems of
complex fluids. In twodimensional and axisymmetric three-dimensional
implementations, the numerical toolkit is applied here to drop
deformation in shear and elongational flows, rise of drops and
retraction of drops and torii. Some of these solutions serve as
validation of the method and illustrate its key features, while others
explore novel physics of viscoelasticity in the deformation and
evolution of interfaces.