Pengtao Yue, Chunfeng Zhou & James J. Feng
Phys. Fluids 18, 102102 (2006)
Abstract - A drop falling onto a fluid-fluid
interface may not merge with it at once but undergo a so-called partial
coalescence cascade. Experimental observations of this phenomenon have
revealed fascinating features of the process for Newtonian as well as
polymeric fluids. In this paper, we describe numerical simulations of
partial coalescence based on a phase-field method. Results show that
partial coalescence occurs for an intermediate range of drop sizes, and
proceeds in two stages: capillary waves propagating along the drop and
transforming it into a fluid column, and neck formation on the column
and pinch-off of the secondary drop. In the first stage, interfacial
energy turns into kinetic energy following film rupture, while in the
second, the kinetic energy overcomes an energy barrier due to the
initial increase in interfacial area during neck formation. A
parametric study establishes a criterion for partial coalescence in
terms of a maximum Ohnesorge number that applies to a wide range of
fluid densities and viscosities as long as the Bond number is small.
Viscoelasticity in either the drop or the matrix tends to delay the
pinch-off of the secondary drop, and may even suppress partial
coalescence altogether. The underlying mechanism is large tensile
polymer stresses resisting the stretching and thinning of the fluid
neck. The numerical results are in qualitative, and in some cases
quantitative, agreement with prior experiments.