Transient flow-induced deformation of cancer cells in microchannels: a general computational model and experiments

R. Lu, J. Li, Z. Guo, Z. Wang, J. J. Feng & Y. Sui

Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. (2025)

Abstract - Recently, the present authors proposed a three-dimensional computational model for the transit of suspended cancer cells through a microchannel (Wang et al. in Biomech Model Mechanobiol 22: 1129-1143, 2023). The cell model takes into account the three major subcellular components: A viscoelastic membrane that represents the lipid bilayer supported by the underlying cell cortex, a viscous cytoplasm, and a nucleus modelled as a smaller microcapsule. The cell deformation and its interaction with the surrounding fluid were solved by an immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method. The computational model accurately recovered the transient flow-induced deformation of the human leukaemia HL-60 cells in a constricted channel. However, as a general modelling framework, its applicability to other cell types in different flow geometries remains unknown, due to the lack of quantitative experimental data. In this study, we conduct experiments of the transit of human prostate cancer (PC-3) and leukaemia (K-562) cells, which represent solid and liquid tumour cell lines, respectively, through two distinct microchannel geometries, each dominated by shear and extension flow. We find that the two cell lines have qualitatively similar flow-induced dynamics. Comparisons between experiments and numerical simulations suggest that our model can accurately predict the transient cell deformation in both geometries, and that it can serve as a general modelling framework for the dynamics of suspended cancer cells in microchannels.