Mathematical Demonstrations
Calendar Description: Students will prepare material illustrating ideas and
applications of mathematics and present it to audiences outside the University. Intended for third or
fourth year Mathematics students and Math/Science Education students..
Lauchie MacDonald
- None. Problem sets will be posted online. .
Course Outline and Details
- The course outline as well as information about assignments, tests,
video projects and the final exam can be found here.
- Final Exam 30%
- Two midterms, 10% each
- Assignments, preparation of workshop problems for 2021-22 and
in-class problem presentations 20%
- Students will produce 3 videos where they will introduce a
mathematical idea, provide an example and will challenge the viewer
with an application of the ideas described in the introduction. Each
video has to be between 10 and 15 minutes long. The 3 videos will
count for 30% of the final grade.