Leah Keshet's Teaching Policies

  • Policy on respect: You have the right to be treated with respect by the instructor, teaching assistants, and markers in this course. As a student in this course you are expected to show respect to the instructor, teaching assistants, markers, and to the other students in the class. Please be aware that talking in class, walking in during the middle of a lecture, or leaving prematurely causes disruption, and would be interpreted as a sign of disrespect to your colleagues and instructor.

  • Policy on distractions: As part of respect for the class hours, I ask that you avoid distractions of all sorts (cell phones, beepers, and non-math use of laptops). The time we have together is too limited and valuable to waste on other activities (which distract both you and neighbors sitting around you). Luckily, you are not required to attend class if other activities are urgent and need your attention during the same time.

  • Policy on questions and extra help: You are encouraged to ask questions in class. Chances are, other students are also wondering about the same thing. You are also encouraged to come to office hours to get extra help or to ask questions that were not answered in class.

  • Policy on grades: Your grade will be composed of credit for term work as well as credit for the final exam. The formula stated at the beginning of term is only approximate. Your final grade may deviate from this formula, and may depend on scalings applied, number of assignments required, etc. Thus your term grade is only a rough indicator of how well you will do in this course. Note that, in fairness to students who work steadily all term, it is not the policy to drop the term grade in favor of a better exam grade.

  • Policy on independent vs group work: You are encouraged to work in groups or with friends to study, to practice the material, and to attempt problems or discuss assignments. etc. However, by putting your name on any submission to be graded, you are implicitly representing that submission as your own work. A misrepresentation of another person's work as your own is considered to be academic dishonesty.

  • Policy on Academic Honesty : UBC has a very clear policy on what is honest/dishonest conduct. You should familiarize yourself with this Academic Honesty Policy. As your instructor, I put a very high value on ethical and honest conduct, and I would be deeply disappointed if such a code of conduct is broken by one of my students.

  • Policy on assignments: In order to receive credit for any work that is collected, I ask that you follow instructions carefully. Your name, student number, and section number must be legibly written on the top RH corner of any work submitted. In case of multiple pages, you must staple the pages. This is to prevent loss of your work, and to facilitate grading by your section's marker.

  • Policy on missed tests/exams/quizzes: There will be no makeup tests or quizzes. If you miss a midterm test, you must provide full documentation (e.g. medical note) that verifies your required absence on the given date. Your grade will then be computed based on other term marks and final exam mark. Failure to provide the documentation will result in a zero recorded for the missed test.

  • Policy on tests: On questions in tests, quizzes, or exams, unless otherwise specified, you are required to show all your work to obtain credit.

  • Policy on marking: If you feel that a returned assignment or test is incorrectly marked, you can appeal that grade by writing a note that details your concern, attaching it to the assignment, and resubmitting.

  • Policy on late submissions: No submitted work will be accepted beyond the date on which it is due. However, missing one or two HW assignments will not affect your grade, as only the best (N-2) out of N are used to compute that grade.