Lior Silberman's page for students

This page contains information for and about my students.

For prospective graduate students

I normally have up to three graduate students working with me at any one time. I have unusually wide mathematical interests, and am happy to work with students in almost any field of mathematics. If you want to be my student, you will need to apply to our graduate programme. Once you have done that, please drop me a line so I know to look for your file during the evaluation process.

I have projects available at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level in

I generally expect incoming M.Sc. and Ph.D. students to pass the Qualifying Exam upon arrival in September.

For propspective undergraduate research students

coming soon

To all students

Students past and present

Graduate Students

Undergraudate Research Students

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Clarification: the writings on these pages are generally my own creations (to which I own the copyright), and are made available for traditional academic reuse. If you wish to republish substantial portions (including in "derivative works") please ask me for permission. The material is expressly excluded from the terms of UBC Policy 81.