Lior Silberman's Teaching Page

Why we do this

Philosophy is written in that great book (I mean the universe) ... but the book cannot be understood unless one first learns the language and the symbols in which it is written. This book is written in the mathematical language ... without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.
— Galileo Galilei, The Assayer, 1623.
... the new mathematics is a sort of supplement to language, affording a means of thought about form and quantity and a means of expression, more exact, compact, and ready than ordinary language. The great body of physical science, a great deal of the essential fact of financial science, and endless social and political problems are only accessible and only thinkable to those who have had a sound training in mathematical analysis, and the time may not be very remote when it will be understood that for complete initiation as an efficient citizen ... it is as necessary to be able to compute, to think in averages and maxima and minima, as it is now to be able to read and write.
— HG Wells, Mankind in the Making, 1903.

Lior Silberman

General Information

Current Courses and Seminars

(Fall 2023) Math 100: Differential Calculus with applications
(Fall 2023) Reading Seminar: Modular Forms (joint with Julia Gordon)
(Spring 2024) Math 100: Differential Calculus with applications
(Spring 2024) Math 538: Algebraic Number Theory

Past Courses (reverse chronological order)


(Spring 2023) Math 412: Advanced Linear Algebra
(Spring 2023) Math 535: Lie Theory II
(Fall 2022) Math 100: Differential Calculus with applications
(Spring 2022) Math 223: Linear Algebra
(Fall 2021) Math 100: Differential Calculus x2
(Spring 2021) Math 223: Linear Algebra
(Spring 2021) Math 312: Introduction to Number Theory
(Fall 2020) Math 422/501: Field and Galois Theory
(Fall 2019) Math 100: Differential Calculus
(Fall 2019) Math 412: Advanced Linear Algebra
(Fall 2019) Undergraduate Reading Seminar: Introduction to Set Theory
(AY 2018-2019) Sabbatical leave
(Summer 2018) Math 312: Introduction to Number Theory
(Spring 2018) Math 535: Lie Theory II
(Fall 2017) Math 322: Group Theory
(Fall 2017) Math 412: Advanced Linear Algebra
(Fall 2017) Reading Seminar: Algebraic Number Theory (joint with Julia Gordon)
(Spring 2017) Math 101: Integral Calculus
(Spring 2017) Math 538: Algebraic Number Theory
(Fall 2016) Math 412: Advanced Linear Algebra
(Fall 2016) Reading Seminar: Counting points on varieties over finite fields (joint with Julia Gordon)
(Spring 2016) Math 101: Integral Calculus
(Spring 2016) Math 539: Analytic Number Theory
(Fall 2015) Math 100: Differential Calculus
(Fall 2015) Math 322: Group Theory
(Fall 2015) Reading Seminar: Arthur's Trace Formula (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)
(Spring 2015) Reading Seminar: Harmonic Analysis on p-adic Lie algebras (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)
(Fall 2014) Math 100: Differential Calculus
(Fall 2014) Math 322: Group Theory
(Fall 2014) Reading Seminar: Eisenstein Series (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)
(Spring 2014) Math 412: Advanced Linear Algebra
(Spring 2014) Math 539: Analytic Number Theory
(Fall 2013) Math 253: Multivariable Calculus
(Fall 2013) Reading Seminar: Adelic Automorphic Forms (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Spring 2013) Math 538: Algebraic Number Theory

(Fall 2012) Math 100: Differential Calculus
(Fall 2012) Math 223: Linear Algebra

(Spring 2012) Math 121: Honours Integeral Calculus
(Spring 2012) Reading Seminar: Representation Theory of SL(2,R) (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Fall 2011) Math 342: Algebra, Coding Theory and Cryptography
(Fall 2011) Reading Seminar: Representation Theory of GL(2,Q_p) (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Summer 2011) Math 312: Introduction to Number Theory

(Spring 2011) Reading Seminar: Integral quadratic forms (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Fall 2010) Math 100: Differential Calculus
(Fall 2010) Math 613D: Modular Forms
(Fall 2010) Reading Seminar: A Course in Arithmetic (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Spring 2010) Parental leave

(Fall 2009) Math 422/501: Algebra I (Groups and Fields)
(Fall 2009) Math 437/537: Elementary Number Theory
(Fall 2009) Reading Seminar: Étale Cohomology (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Spring 2009) Math 342: Algebra, Coding Theory and Cryptography
(Spring 2009) Reading Seminar: Algebraic Number Theory (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)

(Fall 2008) Math 602D: Topics in Geometry
(Fall 2008) Reading Seminar: Introduction to automorphic forms (joint with Bill Casselman and Julia Gordon)


(Spring 2007) math 1b, a second-semester calculus course.
(Spring 2007) math 262x, "Metric Geometry and Geometric Group Theory".
(Fall 2006) math 1b.


Math 204, a non-major linear algebra course.
Math 104, a second-semester calculus course.

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Clarification: the writings on these pages are generally my own creations (to which I own the copyright), and are made available for traditional academic reuse. If you wish to republish substantial portions (including in "derivative works") please ask me for permission. The material is expressly excluded from the terms of UBC Policy 81.