Student Seminar: Number Theory and Automorphic Forms
Lior Silberman,
Julia Gordon,
Bill Casselman.
Contact: lior |
@ | |
MATX 1112 |
604-827-3031 |
Fall 2010: A Course in Arithmetic
- The seminar will take place on Thursaday afternoons, mainly
in MATH 126 (the seminar room in the lounge).
- We have a short syllabus (PDF).
- You can take the course for credit, in which case your grade will be
based on your lectures
- Reading Course number: MATH 620A, section 101
(references are to Serre's book unless noted otherwise)
Meeting | Location & Time | Title | Speaker | Notes & References |
1. 9/9 | AUDX 142, 10am | Organization |
| |
2. 16/9 | AUDX 142, 10am | Quadratic reciprocity |
Asif Zaman | Ch. I |
3. 23/9 | MATX 1118, 12:30-2pm | p-adic numbers |
Carmen Bruni | Ch. II |
4. 30/9 | MATX 1118, 2-4pm | Hilbert symbol |
Jerome Lefebvre | Ch. III |
5. 7/10 | MATH 126, 12:30-2pm | Quadratic Forms I |
Carmen Bruni | Ch. IV-1 |
6. 14/10 | MATH 126, 2-4pm | Quadratic Forms II |
Asif Zaman | Ch. IV-1 |
7. 21/10 | MATH 126, 12:30-2pm | Quadratic forms over finite and p-adic fields |
Pooya Ronagh | Ch. IV-2,3 |
8. 28/10 | MATH 126, 12:30-2pm | Quadratic forms over p-adic fields |
Jerome Lefebvre | Ch. IV-3 |
9. 4/11 | MATH 126, 2-4pm | Hasse-Minkowski |
Asif Zaman | Ch. IV- |
10. 18/11 | MATH 126, 12:30-2pm | Sums of two squares |
Pooya Ronagh | [2. Ch. 10] |
11. 25/11 | MATH 126, 2-4pm | |
| |
12. 2/12 | MATH 126, 12:30-2pm | |
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Last modified Thursday November 18, 2010