Student Seminar: Number Theory and Automorphic Forms
Lior Silberman,
Julia Gordon,
Bill Casselman.
Contact: lior |
@ | |
MATX 1112 |
604-827-3031 |
Fall 2011: Representation Theory of GL(2,Q_p)
- The main reference will be [1] below. The material is also covered in [2].
We will assume familiarity with local fields and the representation theory
of finite groups.
- To take the seminar for credit please register for MATH 592, section 101.
Your grade will mainly be determined based on your lectures.
- We will meet on Tuesdays between 2-4pm in MATH 126.
Unless noted otherwise, references are to Bushnell-Henniart.
Meeting | Title | Speaker | Notes & References |
1. 6/9 | Organization |
— | |
2. 13+20/9 | GL(2) over finite fields |
Justin | Ch. II |
3. 20+27/9 | Smooth representations of l.c.t.d. groups |
Jay | Ch. I |
4. 4+11/10 | Integration and the Hecke algebra |
Asif | Ch. I |
5. 11+18/10 | Representations of the mirabolic subgroup |
Lance | Ch. III |
6. 25/10+1/11 | Jacquet modules and the principal series |
Athena | Ch. III |
7. 8+15/11 | The Kirillov model |
Saman | [2] |
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Last modified Monday November 14, 2011