Math 253 Section 102: First Meeting
1. Multivariable Calculus ???
2. Material
We'll cover (most of) chapters 12,14,15 of Stewart's Calculus textbook.
Students are responsible for all of the material in those
chapters not specifically excluded, even if this material was not
covered in class
3. Evaluation
Final grade: better of
- 50% Final exam + 30% Midterms + 20% Homework
- Final exam minus 10 points
The safety net rarely comes into effect.
It's unusual for students to succeed on the final without working
during the term.
- No calculators, summary sheets or other aids [consider this while doing HW]
- In-class midterm exams, tentatively Weds Oct 9, Nov 13.
Combination of WeBWorK and weekly written assignments.
- Mainly calculational problems.
- Unlimited attempts on (almost all) WeBWorK problems -- get them right!.
- For problems with WeBWorK use the "email instructor" button.
Counter-intuitively this refers to the WeBWork TA.
- Weekly assignments will have a few longer problems (similar to midterms
and final exams)
- Not all written problems may be graded. Solutions will be posted.
Practice Problems
- Homework is primarily for your practice, not for evaluation.
- ... But is not enough by itself. We'll post "suggested practice problem"
lists from the book. In the limit of infinite spare time do every problem in the book.
- You may also need to practice basic skills (return to this)
4. Calc I & II vs Calc III
Math is cumulative!. You will need facility with algebra,
2d geometry and ordinary derivatives and integrals. For this you need
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