Time | Location | Zoom Meeting ID | Zoom Password |
TTh 12:30-13:00 | ESB 4127 and on Zoom | 684 2674 1683 | 101671 |
F 10:30-11:30 | My office and on Zoom |
This is an introductory course in number theory, intended for math majors students. The book by Jones and Jones is available for free download through the UBC library (you need to be on campus or loggen on to the VPN for that). That said, any book titled "elementary number theory" or the like would be good. You can also look at the notes by Freitas and Gherga.
Week | Date | Material | Reading | Notes | |
Jones^2 | Rosen | ||||
1 | T 15/5 | The Integers: Induction, divisibility | §1.1 | §1.3, §1.5 | Slides Scan |
W 16/5 | The GCD, Euclid's Algorithm | §1.2 | §3.3, §3.4 | Scan | |
Th 17/5 | (continued) Primes |
§2.1 |
§3.1 |
Scan | |
F 18/5 | Unique factorization | §2.2 | §3.2, §3.5 | PS1 due Scan |
2 | T 22/5 | Diophantine equations | §1.5 | §3.7 | Scan |
W 23/5 | Congruence | §3.1 | §4.1 | Scan | |
Th 24/5 | Linear Congruences, divisibility tests, check digits | §3.2 | §4.2, §5.1, §5.5 | PS2 due Scan |
F 25/5 | The CRT | §3.3 | §4.3 | Scan | |
3 | T 29/5 | (continued) Wilson's Theorem |
§4.1 |
§6.1 |
Scan |
W 30/5 | Fermat's Little Theorem | §4.2 | §6.2 | Scan | |
Th 31/5 | Euler's Theorem and Pseudoprimes Review |
§§5.1-2 |
§6.3 |
PS3 due Scan |
F 1/6 | Midterm | Info | |||
4 | T 5/6 | Multiplicative Functions | §8.1 | §7.1, §7.2 | Scan |
W 6/6 | Möbius Inversion; Mersenne Primes | §8.3 | §7.4, § 7.3 | Scan | |
Th 7/6 | Character & block cyphers | Wiki: 1, 2, | §8.1 | PS4 due Scan |
F 8/6 | RSA | Wiki | §8.4, §8.6 | Scan | |
5 | T 12/6 | Primitive Roots | §6.2, §6.3 | §9.1, §9.2 | Scan |
W 13/6 | Existence mod p | Scan | |||
Th 14/6 | Quadratic residues | §§7.1-3 | §9.4, §10.2, §11.1 | PS5 due Scan |
F 15/6 | Quadratic reciprocity | §7.4 | §11.1, §11.2 | Scan | |
6 | T 19/6 | The Gaussian Integers | Scan | ||
W 20/6 | Elliptic curves | Scan | |||
Th 21/6 | Review | PS6 due Scan |
T 26/6 | Final Exam: 15:30-18:00 at LSK 201 |
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