The West Coast Optimization Meeting
23-24 April 1999

All participants are welcome at this free, informal meeting. To complement the excellent technical presentations, there will be ample opportunity for conversation and discussion. Detailed information appears below the program schedule.

Technical Session--Saturday 24 April 1999

All talks take place in ROOM 1600 at the Harbour Centre Campus of Simon Fraser University, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver.

Time Speaker Title (Highlighted titles include an abstract)
08:30-09:00 (Coffee)  
09:00-09:45 Heinz Bauschke
Okanagan University College/ Mathematics and Statistics
A weak-to-strong convergence principle for Fejer-monotone methods in Hilbert space
09:45-10:30 Jane Ye
University of Victoria/ Mathematics and Statistics
Constraint Qualifications and Necessary Optimality Conditions for Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints
10:30-10:45 (Coffee)  
10:45-11:30 Pierre Marechal
Simon Fraser University/ CECM
On Radon-type inverse problems
11:30-12:30 Levent Tuncel
University of Waterloo/ Combinatorics and Optimization
Cones of matrices and successive convex relaxations of nonconvex sets
12:30-14:15 (Lunch) Several restaurants are within walking distance
14:15-15:00 Marian Fabian
Czech Academy of Sciences/ Mathematics
Stegall's smooth variational principle and its applications
15:00-15:15 Yves Lucet
University of Victoria/ Mathematics and Statistics
How do you build a smooth convex interpolant?
15:15-16:00 Grant Galbraith
University of Washington/ Mathematics
Cosmic Sub-Lipschitz Mappings and Applications

Printable Abstracts: DVI | Postscript

List of Participants
(Everyone is included, not just speakers.)

Social Session: Friday, 23 April 1999

We will meet at 7:30 p.m. for dinner, at

Pink Pearl Chinese Seafood Restaurant
1132 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC
phone 604 253-4316

Reservations are essential. See the dinner menu for details.

General Information

Accommodation: Click for an aging list of nearby hotels.

Local Organization: Local scientific organizers of the meeting are Jonathan M. Borwein (SFU/CECM) and Philip D. Loewen (UBC/Math). Email Loewen to get on the WCOM99 mailing list or to propose corrections and updates to this page.

Thanks: The support of PIms, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, is gratefully acknowledged.

Other Local Events

Philip D. Loewen, 6 April 1999