Calculus Examination Report--June 2009

Participation: The exam was written by 179 students, although 189 had registered and paid the non-refundable fee. Among the 179 students who wrote, 166 earned a raw score of 10% or higher. All statistics that follow refer to this group of 166.

Summary: Of the 166 students discussed below, 110 earned a score of 50% or better. In other words, 66% of the participants passed the test and are eligible to claim credit at a sponsoring university. The median grade was 61%. (These scores reflect a modest upward scaling.)

Scores of 85% or higher were earned by 19 students; scores below 30% were recorded by 14 students. There were six raw scores above 85%: scaling boosted these into the 90's.

Details: For each question, the following table shows the scores that separate the participants into four equally-sized groups. The median score divides the group in half; quartiles 1 and 3 bisect the lower and upper halves again. Scores are reported using percentages instead of individual points to make comparisons easier.

Question Point Value Quartile 1 (%) Median (%) Quartile 3 (%)
Q1 (derivatives) 6 83 100 100
Q2 (tan line) 4 50 100 100
Q3 (implicit diff) 5 40 100 100
Q4 (linear approx) 7 0 14 43
Q5 (limits) 6 50 50 83
Q6 (logarithmic diff) 6 17 33 79
Q7 (given accel) 8 53 75 100
Q8 (Newton's Law of Cooling) 9 22 33 89
Q9 (differentiability) 6 0 0 0
Q10 (related rates) 9 11 22 56
Q11 (practical optimization) 9 11 44 89
Q12 (moving particle) 9 46 67 82
Q13 (curve sketching) 9 0 22 44
Q14 (finding areas) 7 0 14 57

Here are links to the Exam Questions, Detailed Sample Solutions, and Comments from the Graders.

Scaling: Modest upward scaling was applied.

(Calculus Exam home page.)

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