Adam Martens

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
1984 Mathematics Road
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6T 1Z2

Office: MATH 124
April 2024 (that's me on the left)


I'm a Ph.D. candidate at UBC under the supervision of Albert Chau. I have had my entire post-secondary education from UBC, wherein I have obtained BSc (2019) and MSc (2021).

My current research is primarily focused on Hamilton's Ricci Flow, though I remain interested in other aspects of geometric analysis as well as mathematical general relativity.

The differential geometry group at UBC organizes a weakly learning seminar. For more information on how to participate, as well as upcoming schedule and past recordings, see here.

A somewhat up-to-date photo of my daughters (they're extraordinarily cute!).


I always welcome correspondence from past, present or future students. You may be interested in my teaching philosophy, or in a list of courses for which I have been a TA.

2024 Fall: MATH 100 (Differential Calculus) Section 1B2
2024 Spring: MATH 101 (Integral Calculus) Sections C17, C22, C32
2023 Fall: MATH 100 (Differential Calculus) Sections A16, A23, A33, A48
2021 Fall: MATH 102 (Differential Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences) Section 105
