
So I see that you have stalked my webpage enough to find this "secret" page... congrats!

What you'll find on this page is, what essentially amounts to, my personal recipe book. You may ask the obvious question: Why does he have this attached to his personal website? The answer to this is that this is essentially the easiest thing for me. See, I absolutely despise recipe websites (with their million ads and the fact that they always have to tell the authors life story before getting to the actual recipe). So I tried to just screenshot recipes on my phone, but then it was annoying to track the changes that I inevitably wanted to make. Also writing recipes down on my phone is too disorganized for me, and paper too archaic. So I needed a website! And I thought, hey! I already have a website!. So there you go, that's the story (don't judge me).

Even though this page exists almost exclusively for my own benefit, I did try to write up these recipes with enough detail that you can enjoy them too, if you so desire. Everything you'll find on here is pretty healthy, pretty easy, and absolutely delicious. Also, almost always dairy free.


Spaghetti sauce pdf
Meatballs pdf
Homemade Pizza (and sauce) pdf
Pulled Beef (tacos) pdf
Taco Seasoning pdf
Hawaiian Huli Huli Chicken pdf
Chicken Noodle Soup coming soon


Garlic Fries pdf
Zesty Potatoes coming soon
Cesar Salad Dressing pdf
Butternut Squash Soup pdf


White (sandwich) pdf
White (dinner) pdf
Cinnamon Swirl pdf
Jalepeño Cheddar pdf


Pico de Gallo pdf
Salsa pdf
Garlic Aoli pdf
Vinaigrette pdf
Honey Mustard pdf


Beef Jerkey (spicy) pdf
Rum Balls pdf


Whiskey Sour pdf