Sven Bachmann

Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
228-1984 Mathematics Road
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2,

Phone: 604-822-4605

Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics, PDE (DG-MP-PDE)

I am also an associate member of the Department of Physics & Astronomy



Mathematical Physics; Here is a list of my publications

Here are two talks I gave that have been published on Youtube, both intended for a rather broad audience of mathematical physics:
on the classification of quantum phases (in the Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar),
on topological quantum transport (in the seminar of the International Association of Mathematical Physics)

I am a editor of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry and Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Here is a list of upcoming seminars inclulding those of the DG-MP-PDE group


"Call to mind from whence we sprang:
Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes
But virtue to pursue and knowledge high."

Ulysses in Dante's Divine Comedy

2023 WT: I will be on sabbatical for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Past:Math 421/510:201 Functional Analysis
Math 320:101 Real Variables 1
Math 512:101 Quantum Theory
Math 100:103 Differential Calculus
Math 320:102 Real Variables 1
Math 305:201 Applied Complex Analysis
Math 320:102 Real Variables I
Math 100:V01 Differential Calculus
Math 421/510:201 Functional Analysis
Math 305:201 Applied Complex Analysis
Math 100:701 Differential Calculus (Vantage College)
Math 609E:201 Topics in Mathematical Physics
Math 100:701 Differential Calculus
Math 305:201 Applied Complex Analysis
Math 223:101 Honours Linear Algebra
22 courses in mathematics and mathematical physics at LMU Munich and UC Davis
12 Bachelor's and Master's theses

If you are a student close to graduation thinking about your future, here is an old blog post I find enlightening.

Service to the community

Since January 2024, I am an officer of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Mathematical Physics

Short CV

I was born in the shadow of these mountains, studied next to those, got my doctorate facing more mountains, explored those for a few years, moved closer the original ones, and am currently enjoying other wild peaks. Needless to say, I have been very lucky.

Here is a more complete version.