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Emeritus Professor, Mathematics E-mail: seymour(at)math.ubc.ca
B.Sc., Manchester (1965); Ph.D., Nottingham (1969); Assistant Professor, New York Univ., NY. (1970-3);
Assistant Professor, UBC (1973-1976); Associate Professor, UBC (1976-1981);
Professor, UBC (1981-2012); Emeritus Professor, UBC (2012-...)
Director, Institute of Applied Mathematics, UBC (1986-1993)
Zhang, H, Barry, D.A., Seymour, B. R. and Hocking, G.C. (2023): Numerical analysis of apparatus-induced dispersion for density-dependent solute transport in porous media. ANZIAM Journal, vol 65, 178-194, doi.org/10.1017/S1446181123000135,
Amundsen, D.E., Mortell, M.P. and Seymour, B. R. (2022): On the transition between continuous and shocked solutions for resonant gas oscillations in the frustum of a closed cone, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 937, April 2022, doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.88
S. Wu , D-S. Jeng, B.R. Seymour (2020). Numerical Modelling of consolidation-induced solute transport in unsaturated soil with dynamic hydraulic conductivity and degree of saturation. Advances in Water Resources, 135, doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103466
Rahmani, M., Seymour, B.R. and Lawrence, G. (2014): The evolution of large and small-scale structures in Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, DOI10.1007/s10652-014-9343-6.
Zhang H, Jeng D-S, Barry DA, Seymour BR & Li L (2013). Solute transport in nearly saturated porous media under landfill clay liners: afinite deformation approach. Journal of Hydrology, 479, 189–199, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.11.063
Zhang HJ, Jeng D-S, Barry DA, Seymour BR & Li L (2013). Contamination transport through non-isothermal unsaturated deforming clay liner. Advances in Water Resources, 59, 66–81.
Seymour, B. R., Mortell, M.P. and Amundsen, D.E. (2012): Asymptotic solutions for shocked resonant acoustic oscillations between concentric spheres and coaxial cylinders, Physics of Fluids, dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3687611.
Zhang, H.J, Jeng, D.-S., Seymour, B. R., Barry, D. A., and Li, L. (2012): Solute transport in partially-saturated deformable porous media: application to a landfill clay liner . Advances in Water Resources, vol.40, pp 1-10, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.01.007
J.D., Jeng, D-J., Seymour, B.R. and Pokrajac, D.
Wacher, A and Seymour, B. R. (2011): A Radiation Model of a Rapid Thermal Processing System, Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies Journal, vol. 3, pp. 1-18.
Mortell, M.P. and Seymour, B. R. (2011) The propagation of small amplitude nonlinear waves in a strongly inhomogeneous medium, Journal of the Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, vol. 16 , 6 : pp. 637 - 651.
Jamali, M. and Seymour, B. R. (2011). Comment on methods to derive the free surface boundary, Groundwater, vol. 49 , 2 : pp. 133 - 143 .
Zhang, H, Hocking, G.C. and Seymour, B. R. (2009): Critical and supercritical withdrawal from a two-layer fluid through a line sink in a partially bounded aquifer. Advances in Water Resources, 32 (12), 1703-1710.
Mortell, M.P., Mulchrone, K.F. and Seymour, B. R. (2009): The evolution of macrosonic standing waves in a resonator. Int. J. Eng. Science, 47, 1305-1314.
Mortell, M.P. and Seymour, B. R. (2008): Comments on linear and nonlinear frequency shifts in acoustic resonators with varying cross section. J. Acoustical Soc. America, 124(6), pp 3381-3385.
M., Frigaard, I. A., Seymour, B. R. & Storey, S. (2008): Visco-plastic
fluid displacements in horizontal narrow eccentric annuli: stratification
and travelling wave solutions.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 605, pp 293-327.
Mortell, M.P. and Seymour, B. R. (2007): Resonant oscillations of an inhomogeneous gas in a closed cylindrical tube. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, A.I.M.S. 17 (3), 619-628.
Seymour, B. R. and Mortell, M.P. (2007): Resonant hydraulic sloshing in a tank of variable depth, Z.A.M.P., Journal of Applied Math & Physics, 58 (5), 818-831.
Jeng, D.-S. and Seymour, B. R. (2007): A simplified analytical approximation for pore-water pressure build-up in a porous seabed. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, A.S.C.E., 133 (4), 309-321.
Jeng, D.-S., Seymour, B. R., Gao, F. P. and Wu, Y. X. (2007): Ocean waves propagating over a porous seabed: Residual and oscillatory mechanisms. Science in China , Series E. 50 (1), 81-89.
Jeng, D.-S. Seymour, B. R. and Li, J.(2007): A new approximation for pore
pressure accumulation in marine sediment due to water waves. International
Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
31, 53-69.
Jamali, M, Seymour, B.R., and Kasaiian, R. (2005): Numerical and experimental study of flow of a stratified fluid over a sill, Physics of Fluids, 17 (5), 7106-7123.
D.-S., Seymour, B. R., Barry, D. A., Li, L. and Parlange, J.-Y. (2005):
A new approximation for tidal dynamics in coastal aquifers: Capillary correction.
Advances in Water Resources,
28 (10), 1032-1039
M.P. and Seymour, B. R. (2005) Finite Amplitude, Shockless, Resonant Vibrations
of an Inhomogeneous Elastic Panel, Journal of the Mathematics and Mechanics
of Solids, Volume 10, pp.427-440.
Jeng, D.-S., Seymour, B. R., Barry, D.
A., Dong, P. and Li, L. (2005): A Two-Dimensional approximation
for tide-induced
watertable fluctuations in a sloping sandy beach. Advances in Water
Resources, 28 (10), 1040-1047.
D.-S., Seymour, B. R.,
Barry, D. A., Parlange, J.-Y., Lockington, D. A. and Li, L. (2005): Steepness
expansion for free surface flow of groundwater in coastal aquifers. Journal of Hydrology,
309 (1-4), 85-92.
D.-S. and Seymour, B. R. (2005): A new approximation for ocean waves propagating
over a beach with variable depth. Ocean Engineering, 32 (16), 1906-1916.
M. and Seymour, B. R. (2004) Nonlinear Resonant Oscillations in Closed Tubes
of Varying Cross Section, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 519, pp183-200.
M. and Seymour, B. R. (2004). The Interaction of a Surface Wave with Waves
on a Diffuse Interface, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 204-213.