Home page of Sujatha Ramdorai Contact: Research Interests: Current Teaching 2019W: Matrix Algebra, Math 221 Section 203 (Term 2, 2018-2019) Course webpage
2019W: Algebraic Number Theory, Math 538 (Term 2, 2018-2019); MWF 10-11, Math 202.
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My old homepage: here
Mathematics Department,
1984, Mathematics Road,
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, V6T1Z2
Ph: (off) +1-604-822-3627
Office: Math Annex 1201
email: sujatha /at/ math.ubc.ca
Office hours: MWF: 11:30-12:30; Prior appointment preferred
My initial area of research was the algebraic theory
of quadratic forms. Currently, I work in the area of non-commutative
Iwasawa theory. My research interests also include the study of motives.