Elementary Differential Equations I

UBC MATH 215, Spring 2010

Textbook: Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th ed., by W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, published by Wiley. The 8th edition is fine, but homework problems will be assigned from the 9th edition. Moreover, section numbers in these two editions vary slightly. When I announce which sections will be covered in the exams, it only refers to the 9th edition.

Lecture Time & Location: MWF 10:00-10:50am, LSK 200.

Instructor: Dr. Tai-Peng Tsai, Math building room 109, phone 604-822-2591, ttsai at math.ubc.ca.
Office hours: Mon 2-3pm, Tue, Fri 11am-12pm, and by appointment (Tsai's schedule).


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