This resource is a work in progress. If you spot an error, please do the following.
Check that you're looking at the most recent version of the file. You can see the date each file was compiled on the front page of the PDF, or in the fine print above.
Check the errata list here to see whether your error has been reported, but not yet updated.
If your error has not yet been reported, email Fatemeh Saghafifar at with the following information:
Your name and small class section.
The file and page where the error occurs, and a citation (e.g. "Textbook PDF from September 1st, page 32, Example 1.2.3" or "Practice Book PDF from September 1st, page 123, hint to Question 1.2")
A description of the error.
Unless you ask us not to, we will credit you by name on the errata list.