Mathematical graphicsAdmiring graphics is an old idea:
should be decorated so that their appearance alone
will induce perusal ... Not everybody thinks pictures are an improvement:
Anyway, almost everybody likes pictures: Each picture told a story; mysterious often to my undeveloped understanding ... yet ever profoundly interesting. From the opening chapter of Jane Eyre
And almost everybody has advice to offer:
The commentary must not repeat what the pictures already convey
From the chapter `Hellas revisited' of Greece in my life by Compton Mackenzie, 1960 We intend to provide here a collection of tools for producing graphics in mathematical exposition, both in papers and on the Internet. A PostScript manual for mathematicians. This is a text for a course at UBC on Euclidean Geometry! The theme of the course is how to use computers to produce clear demonstrations in mathematics, but along the way it provides a complete introduction to PostScript. Putting labels in PostScript figures. When asked what irks them most about trying to include good illustrations in mathematical papers, most mathematicians complain about the difficulty of adding mathematical labels. This is one solution, although admittedly somewhat intricate. Colours on computer screens, and p[articularly inside a browser, are not perfect. This gives you some idea of what to expect. The manual for dvips in .pdf format. A beautiful if eccentric example of how to explain mathematical ideas with illustrations. A review of Edward Tufte's book Visual Explanations (from the American Mathematical Society Notices of January 1999). Tufte's books are aimed at a general audience, but have something to offer to mathematicians. Including an example of how to use illustrations to make a mathematical argument. To publish mathematics on the Internet, a variety of figure manipulations is necessary. Here is the beginning of a collection of tools for doing that.
This will some day expand to a general tool for working
interactively to produce PostScript figures.
An interactive PostScript interpreter.
Scott Drader has written a PostScript interpreter in Java,
using the Java 5.0 2D library, that allows interaction as
programs are being run. This includes being able
to step through a PostScript
program, setting breaks and variable watches. The present version
is still a bit slow and buggy, but worth looking into.
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