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8 Wallpaper

Well I've wasted mondo time constructin wall paper so I might as well have a page devoted to the wall paper. I've decided to make the sections of my web page have certain types of wall paper. The pattern is as follows:

** A couple of my pages used to be pink to symbolize that a couple of my nice clothes that had had some bad experiences in the washer. Well now I have more pink clothes so I figure that I better start getting used to it.

personal stuff (pink + stupid)
math (circles ...)

programming -- tech crap (angular patterns)


The angular patterns usually have a local vertex pattern is usually the same (valence 4 and a rigid structure -- motivated by the go4it stuff).

Some of the wallpaper designs were created by xfig and truncated and coloured by xv. Now I have learned my lessen and I make the originals with postscript instead of xfig.

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