Source code for plom.server.plomServer.routesMark

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Andrew Rechnitzer
# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Colin B. Macdonald
# Copyright (C) 2020 Vala Vakilian
# Copyright (C) 2022 Joey Shi
# Copyright (C) 2023 Tam Nguyen

from aiohttp import web, MultipartReader

from .routeutils import authenticate_by_token, authenticate_by_token_required_fields
from .routeutils import validate_required_fields, log_request
from .routeutils import write_admin
from .routeutils import log

[docs]class MarkHandler: """The Mark Handler interfaces between the HTTP API and the server itself. These routes handle requests related to marking papers. """ def __init__(self, plomServer): self.server = plomServer # @routes.get("/maxmark/{question}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def MgetQuestionMark(self, data, request): """Retrieve the maximum mark for a question. Respond with status 200/416. Args: data (dict): Dictionary including user data request (aiohttp.web_request.Request) Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: JSON with the maximum mark for the question and version. Or 416 if question/version values out of range. Or BadRequest (400) if question/version cannot be converted to integers. """ question = request.match_info["question"] try: question = int(question) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question must be integer") if question < 1 or question > self.server.testSpec["numberOfQuestions"]: raise web.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable( reason="Question out of range - please check and try again.", ) maxmark = self.server.testSpec["question"][str(question)]["mark"] return web.json_response(maxmark, status=200)
# @routes.get("/MK/progress")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["q", "v"]) def MprogressCount(self, data, request): """Respond with the number of marked questions and the total questions tasks for user. Respond with status 200. Args: data (dict): Dictionary including user data in addition to question number and test version. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Request of type GET /MK/progress. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: Includes the number of marked tasks and the total number of marked/unmarked tasks. 400 error if `q` or `v` cannot be converted to int. 416 error if `q` or `v` are out of range. """ try: q = int(data["q"]) v = int(data["v"]) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question and version must be integers") try: return web.json_response(self.server.MprogressCount(q, v)) except ValueError as e: raise web.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(reason=str(e))
# @routes.get("/MK/tasks/complete")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "q", "v"]) def MgetDoneTasks(self, data, request): """Retrieve data for questions which have already been graded by the user. Respond with status 200. Args: data (dict): Dictionary including user data in addition to question number and test version. request (aiohttp.web_response.Response): GET /MK/tasks/complete request object. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: A response object including a list of lists with the already processed questions. The list involves the question string, question mark, time spent grading and list of tag-texts. """ # return the completed list return web.json_response( self.server.MgetDoneTasks(data["user"], data["q"], data["v"]), status=200, )
# @routes.get("/MK/tasks/available")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["q", "v", "tag", "above"]) def MgetNextTask(self, data, request): """Respond with the next task/question's string. Respond with status 200/204. Args: data (dict): Dictionary including user data in addition to question number and test version. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Request of type GET /MK/tasks/available. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: A 200 response which includes the next question's string, e.g., ``q0013g1``. If no more available, return 204. """ give = self.server.MgetNextTask( data["q"], data["v"], tag=data["tag"], above=data["above"] ) if give is None: return web.Response(status=204) # no papers left return web.json_response(give)
# @routes.get("/MK/latex")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "fragment"]) def MlatexFragment(self, data, request): """Return the latex image for the string included in the request. Respond with status 200/406. Args: data (dict): Includes the user/token and latex string fragment. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Request of type GET /MK/latex. Returns: aiohttp.web_fileresponse.FileResponse: A response which includes the image for the latex string. """ valid, value = self.server.MlatexFragment(data["fragment"]) if valid: return web.Response(body=value, status=200) else: return web.json_response(status=406, text=value)
# @routes.patch("/MK/tasks/{task}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "version"]) def MclaimThisTask(self, data, request): """Take task number in request and return the task/question's image data as a response. Respond with status 200/204. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token and the version. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): PATCH /MK/tasks/`question code` request object. This request object will include the task code. Returns: aiohttp.json_response: JSON of metadata about the images in the task with status 200, or 409 if someone else has claimed this task, or a 404 if there it not yet such a task (not scanned yet) or 410 if there will never be such a task, or 400/401 for other or authentication problems. Also 417 when the version requested does not match the version of the task. """ task_code = request.match_info["task"] # returns either # [True, image_metadata, [tag text list], integrity_check] # [False, code, msg] retvals = self.server.MclaimThisTask(data["user"], task_code, data["version"]) if not retvals[0]: code, errmsg = retvals[1:] if code == "other_claimed": raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=errmsg) elif code == "not_todo": raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=errmsg) elif code == "mismatch": raise web.HTTPExpectationFailed(reason=errmsg) elif code == "no_such_task": raise web.HTTPGone(reason=errmsg) elif code == "not_scanned": raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=errmsg) else: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=errmsg) return web.json_response(retvals[1:], status=200)
# @routes.put("/MK/tasks/{task}")
[docs] async def MreturnMarkedTask(self, request): """Save the graded/processes task, extract data and save to database. This function also responds with the number of done tasks and the total number of tasks. The returned statement is similar to MprogressCount. Respond with status 200/400/401/406/409/410. Log activity. Args: request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Request of type PUT /MK/tasks/`question code` which includes a multipart object indication the marked test data. This request will include 3 parts including [metadata, image, plom-file]. `image` must the the bytes of a png or jpeg file, although other formats might be accepted in the future. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: Responses with a list including the number of graded tasks and the overall number of tasks. """ log_request("MreturnMarkedTask", request) reader = MultipartReader.from_response(request) # Dealing with the metadata. part = await if not part: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="should have sent 3 parts") task_metadata = await part.json() # Validate that the dictionary has these fields. if not validate_required_fields( task_metadata, [ "user", "token", "pg", "ver", "score", "rubrics", "mtime", "md5sum", "integrity_check", "image_md5s", ], ): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="invalid fields in metadata") if not self.server.validate(task_metadata["user"], task_metadata["token"]): raise web.HTTPUnauthorized() rubrics = task_metadata["rubrics"] # list of rubric IDs task = request.match_info["task"] # Note: if user isn't validated, we don't parse their binary junk # TODO: is it safe to abort during a multi-part thing? # Dealing with the image. part = await if not part: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="should have sent 3 parts") annotated_image = await # Dealing with the plom_file. part = await if not part: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="should have sent 3 parts") plomfile = await status, info = self.server.MreturnMarkedTask( task_metadata["user"], task, int(task_metadata["pg"]), int(task_metadata["ver"]), int(task_metadata["score"]), annotated_image, plomfile, rubrics, int(task_metadata["mtime"]), task_metadata["md5sum"], task_metadata["integrity_check"], task_metadata["image_md5s"], ) if not status: log.warning(f"PUT:tasks/{task} giving back error: {info}") if info == "no_such_task": raise web.HTTPGone(reason=info) elif info == "not_owner": raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=info) elif info == "integrity_fail": raise web.HTTPNotAcceptable(reason=info) elif info == "invalid_rubric": raise web.HTTPNotAcceptable(reason=info) else: raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=str(info)) # info is tuple of Num Done tasks, Num Totalled tasks return web.json_response(info, status=200)
# @routes.get("/annotations/{number}/{question}/{edition}") # TODO: optionally have this integrity field?
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["integrity"]) def get_annotations(self, data, request): """Get the annotations of a marked question as JSON. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token, and `integrity` which is a checksum that can be used to check that the server hasn't changed state (for example added new scans to this question. Pass the empty string `""` to omit such checks. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): A GET request with url "/annotations/{number}/{question}/{edition}". `number` and `question` identify which question. `edition` can be used to get a particular annotation from the history of all annotations. If `edition` is omitted, return the latest annotations. Returns: aiohttp.json_response.Response: JSON of the annotations with status 200, or a 404 if no such image, or 400/401 for authentication problems. Note: if you want the annotated image corresponding to these annotations, extract the edition from the JSON, then call "GET:/annotations_image/..." with that edition. Ownership: note that you need not be the "owner" of this task. Getting data back from this function does not imply permission to submit to this task. """ number = request.match_info["number"] question = request.match_info["question"] edition = request.match_info["edition"] try: number = int(number) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="paper number must be integer") try: question = int(question) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question number must be integer") try: edition = int(edition) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="edition must be integer") integrity = data.get("integrity") return self._get_annotations_backend(number, question, edition, integrity)
# @routes.get("/annotations/{number}/{question}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["integrity"]) def get_annotations_latest(self, data, request): """Get the annotations of a marked question as JSON. See :func:`get_annotations`. """ number = request.match_info["number"] question = request.match_info["question"] edition = None integrity = data.get("integrity") try: number = int(number) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="paper number must be integer") try: question = int(question) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question number must be integer") return self._get_annotations_backend(number, question, edition, integrity)
def _get_annotations_backend(self, number, question, edition, integrity): if integrity == "": integrity = None results = self.server.DB.Mget_annotations(number, question, edition, integrity) if not results[0]: if results[1] == "integrity_fail": return web.Response(status=406) # task changed elif results[1] == "no_such_task": return web.Response(status=410) # task deleted else: return web.Response(status=400) # some other error plomdata = results[1] return web.json_response(plomdata, status=200) # @routes.get("/annotations_image/{number}/{question}/{edition}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_annotations_img(self, data, request): """Get the image of an annotated question (a marked question). Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): A GET request with url "/annotations_image/{number}/{question}/{edition}" `number` and `question` identify which question we want. `edition` can be used to get a particular annotation from the history of all annotations. If `edition` is omitted, return the latest annotated image. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: the binary image data with status 200, or a 404 if no such image, or 400/401 for authentication problems. Note: if you want *both* the latest annotated image and the latest annotations (in `.plom` format), do not simply omit the edition in both calls: someone might upload a new annotation between your calls! Instead, call "GET:/annotations/..." first (without edition), then extract the edition from the `.plom` data. Finally, call this with that edition. Ownership: note that you need not be the "owner" of this task. Getting data back from this function does not imply permission to submit to this task. """ number = request.match_info["number"] question = request.match_info["question"] edition = request.match_info["edition"] try: number = int(number) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="paper number must be integer") try: question = int(question) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question number must be integer") try: edition = int(edition) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="edition must be integer") return self._get_annotations_img_backend(number, question, edition)
# @routes.get("/annotations_image/{number}/{question}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_annotations_img_latest(self, data, request): """Get the image of an annotated question (a marked question). See :func:`get_annotations_img`. """ number = request.match_info["number"] question = request.match_info["question"] edition = None try: number = int(number) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="paper number must be integer") try: question = int(question) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="question number must be integer") return self._get_annotations_img_backend(number, question, edition)
def _get_annotations_img_backend(self, number, question, edition): results = self.server.DB.Mget_annotations(number, question, edition) if not results[0]: if results[1] == "no_such_task": return web.Response(status=410) # task deleted else: return web.Response(status=400) # some other error filename = results[2] return web.FileResponse(filename, status=200) # @routes.get(...)
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user"]) def MgetOneImage(self, data, request): """Return one image from the database. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request) Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: the binary image data, or a 404 response if no such image, or a 409 if wrong md5sum sanity check was provided. """ image_id = request.match_info["image_id"] md5sum = request.match_info["md5sum"] r = self.server.DB.MgetOneImageFilename(image_id, md5sum) if not r[0]: if r[1] == "no such image": return web.Response(status=404) elif r[1] == "wrong md5sum": return web.Response(status=409) else: return web.Response(status=500) filename = r[1] return web.FileResponse(filename, status=200)
# @routes.get("/tags/{task}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_tags_of_task(self, data, request): """List the tags for a task. Args: data (dict): user, token. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.json_response: list of strings, one for each tag text. """ task = request.match_info["task"] tag_list = self.server.DB.MgetTagsOfTask(task) return web.json_response(tag_list)
# @routes.patch("/tags/{task}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "tag_text"]) def add_tag(self, data, request): """Add a tag for a task. Respond with status 200/406/410. Args: data (dict): user, token and the text for the given tag (str). Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: 200/204 on success, 200 for tag added and 204 indicates it was already there. HTTPNotAcceptable (406) if tag is invalid. HTTPGone (410) if cannot find task. HTTPBadRequest (400) something else went wrong. """ task = request.match_info["task"] tag_text = data["tag_text"] if not self.server.checkTagTextValid(tag_text): raise web.HTTPNotAcceptable(reason="Text contains disallowed characters.") ok, errcode, msg = self.server.add_tag(data["user"], task, tag_text) if ok: return web.Response(status=200) if errcode == "already": return web.Response(status=204) elif errcode == "notfound": raise web.HTTPGone(reason=msg) raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
# @routes.delete("/tags/{task}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "tag_text"]) def remove_tag(self, data, request): """Remove a tag from a task. Respond with status 200/410. Args: data (dict): user, token and the text of the tag (str). request (aiohttp.Request): type GET `/tags/{task}` where `task` a string like ``q0013g1``, for paper 13 question 1. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: 200 on successful removal, 204 if the task or system had no such tag, 409 if no such task, """ task = request.match_info["task"] tag_text = data["tag_text"].strip() try: self.server.remove_tag(task, tag_text) except KeyError: return web.Response(status=204) except ValueError as e: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=str(e)) return web.Response(status=200)
# @routes.get("/all_tags")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user"]) def get_all_tags(self, data, request): """Get list of all tags in system. Respond with status 200. Args: data (dict): user, token. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: 200 with list of tags each encoded as (key, text) """ tag_list = self.server.MgetAllTags() return web.json_response(tag_list)
# @routes.patch("/tags")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user", "tag_text"]) def create_new_tag(self, data, request): """Add a new tag to the system (but don't tag anything in particular with it). Respond with status 200/406/409. Args: data (dict): user, token, tag_text. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: 200 with key for new tag or HTTPNotAcceptable if tag text is not acceptable or HTTPConflict if tag already in system. """ if not self.server.checkTagTextValid(data["tag_text"]): raise web.HTTPNotAcceptable(reason="Text contains disallowed characters") success, tag_key = self.server.McreateNewTag(data["user"], data["tag_text"]) if success: return web.json_response(tag_key) else: raise request.HTTPConflict(reason="Tag already in system")
# @routes.get("/tags/{task}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_tags(self, data, request): """List the tags for a task. Args: data (dict): user, token. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.json_response: list of strings, one for each tag, or HTTPConflict (409) if user not permitted to get tags for that paper. """ task = request.match_info["task"] tags = self.server.DB.MgetTags(task) if tags is None: # TODO: wrong thing? not conflict, badrequest raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=f"Not such task {task}") tags = tags.split() return web.json_response(tags)
# @routes.get("/pagedata/{number}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_pagedata(self, data, request): """Return the metadata for all images associated with a paper Respond with status 200/409. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: JSON data, a list of dicts where each dict has keys: pagename, md5, included, order, id, orientation, server_path as documented below. A 409 is returned with an explanation if paper number not found. The list of dicts (we think of them as rows) have the following contents: `pagename` A string something like `"t2"`. Reasonable to use as a thumbnail label for the image or in other cases where a very short string label is required. `md5` A string of the md5sum of the image. `id` an integer like 19. This is the key in the database to the image of this page. It is (I think) possible to have two pages pointing to the same image, in which case the md5 and the id could be repeated. TODO: determine if this only happens b/c of bugs/upload issues or if its a reasonably normal state. `order` None or an integer specifying the relative ordering of pages within a question. As with `included`, this information only reflects the initial (typically scan-time) ordering of the images. If its None, server has no info about what order might be appropriate, for example because this image is not thought to belong in `question`. `orientation` relative to the natural orientation of the image. This is an integer for the degrees of rotation. Probably only multiples of 90 work and perhaps only [0, 90, 180, 270] but could/should (TODO) be generalized for arbitrary rotations. This should be applied *after* any metadata rotations from inside the file instead (such as jpeg exif orientation). As with `included` and `order`, this is only the initial state. Clients may rotate images and that information belongs their annotation. `server_path` a string of a path and filename where the server might have the file stored, such as `"pages/originalPages/t0004p02v1.86784dd1.png"`. This is guaranteed unique (such as by the random bit before `.png`). It is *not* guaranteed that the server actually stores the file in this location, although the current implementation does. Example:: [ {'pagename': 't2', 'md5': 'e4e131f476bfd364052f2e1d866533ea', 'order': None, 'id': 19', 'orientation': 0 'server_path': 'pages/originalPages/t0004p02v1.86784dd1.png', }, {'pagename': 't3', 'md5': 'a896cb05f2616cb101df175a94c2ef95', 'order': 1, 'id': 20, 'orientation': 270 'server_path': 'pages/originalPages/t0004p03v2.ef7f9754.png', } ] """ test_number = request.match_info["number"] ok, val = self.server.get_pagedata(test_number) if not ok: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=val) rownames = ("pagename", "md5", "orientation", "id", "server_path") pages_data = [] for row in val: pages_data.append({k: v for k, v in zip(rownames, row)}) return web.json_response(pages_data, status=200)
# @routes.get("/pagedata/{number}/{question}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_pagedata_question(self, data, request): """Return the metadata for all images associated with a paper Respond with status 200/409. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: JSON data, a list of dicts where each dict has keys: pagename, md5, included, order, id, orientation, server_path as documented in :func:`get_pagedata`. A 409 is returned with an explanation if paper number not found. """ test_number = request.match_info["number"] question_number = request.match_info["question"] ok, val = self.server.get_pagedata_question(test_number, question_number) if not ok: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=val) rownames = ("pagename", "md5", "orientation", "id", "server_path") pages_data = [] for row in val: pages_data.append({k: v for k, v in zip(rownames, row)}) return web.json_response(pages_data, status=200)
# @routes.get("/pagedata/{number}/context/{question}")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields([]) def get_pagedata_context_question(self, data, request): """Metadata for all non-ID images associated with a paper, highlighting those initially related to a question. Respond with status 200/404. Args: data (dict): A dictionary having the user/token. request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: JSON data, a list of dicts where each dict has keys: `pagename`, `md5`, `included`, `order`, `id`, `orientation`, `server_path` as documented below. A 409 is returned with an explanation if paper number not found. The list of dicts (we think of them as rows) have the same content as documented in ``get_pagedata`` except an additional key: `included` boolean, did the server *originally* have this page included in question number `question`?. Note that clients may pull other pages into their annotating; you can only rely on this information for initializing a new annotating session. If you're e.g., editing an existing annotation, you should rely on the info from that existing annotation instead of this. Example:: [ {'pagename': 't2', 'md5': 'e4e131f476bfd364052f2e1d866533ea', 'included': False, 'order': None, 'id': 19', 'orientation': 0 'server_path': 'pages/originalPages/t0004p02v1.86784dd1.png', }, {'pagename': 't3', 'md5': 'a896cb05f2616cb101df175a94c2ef95', 'included': True, 'order': 1, 'id': 20, 'orientation': 270 'server_path': 'pages/originalPages/t0004p03v2.ef7f9754.png', } ] """ test_number = request.match_info["number"] # this is used to determine the true/false "included" info question_number = request.match_info["question"] ok, val = self.server.get_pagedata_context_question( test_number, question_number ) if not ok: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=val) return web.json_response(val, status=200)
# @routes.get("/MK/allMax")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token def MgetAllMax(self): """Respond with information on max mark possible for each question in the exam. Respond with status 200/404. Returns: aiohttp.web_response.Response: A response which includes a dictionary for the highest mark possible for each question of the exam. """ return web.json_response(self.server.MgetAllMax(), status=200)
# @routes.patch("/MK/review")
[docs] @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["paper_number", "question"]) @write_admin def MreviewQuestion(self, data, request): """Confirm the question review done on plom-manager. Args: data (dict): Dictionary including user data, `paper_number` (int) and `question` (int). request (aiohttp.web_request.Request): Request of type PATCH /MK/review . Returns: aiohttp.web.Response: 200 on success, 404 on failure (could not find), 409 if no reviewer user. """ try: self.server.MreviewQuestion(data["paper_number"], data["question"]) except ValueError as e: raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=str(e)) except RuntimeError as e: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=str(e)) return web.Response(status=200)
# @routes.patch("/MK/revert/{task}") @authenticate_by_token_required_fields(["user"]) @write_admin def MrevertTask(self, data, request): task = request.match_info["task"] ok, msg = self.server.MrevertTask(task) if ok: return web.Response(status=200) else: raise web.HTTPConflict(reason=msg)
[docs] def setUpRoutes(self, router): """Adds the response functions to the router object. Args: router (aiohttp.web_urldispatcher.UrlDispatcher): Router object which we will add the response functions to. """ router.add_get("/MK/allMax", self.MgetAllMax) router.add_get("/maxmark/{question}", self.MgetQuestionMark) router.add_get("/MK/progress", self.MprogressCount) router.add_get("/MK/tasks/complete", self.MgetDoneTasks) router.add_get("/MK/tasks/available", self.MgetNextTask) router.add_get("/MK/latex", self.MlatexFragment) router.add_patch("/MK/tasks/{task}", self.MclaimThisTask) router.add_put("/MK/tasks/{task}", self.MreturnMarkedTask) router.add_get("/MK/images/{image_id}/{md5sum}", self.MgetOneImage) router.add_get("/tags", self.get_all_tags) router.add_get("/tags/{task}", self.get_tags_of_task) router.add_patch("/tags/{task}", self.add_tag) router.add_delete("/tags/{task}", self.remove_tag) router.add_patch("/tags", self.create_new_tag) router.add_get("/pagedata/{number}", self.get_pagedata) router.add_get("/pagedata/{number}/{question}", self.get_pagedata_question) router.add_get( "/pagedata/{number}/context/{question}", self.get_pagedata_context_question, ) router.add_get("/annotations/{number}/{question}", self.get_annotations_latest) router.add_get( "/annotations/{number}/{question}/{edition}", self.get_annotations ) router.add_get( "/annotations_image/{number}/{question}", self.get_annotations_img_latest ) router.add_get( "/annotations_image/{number}/{question}/{edition}", self.get_annotations_img ) router.add_patch("/MK/review", self.MreviewQuestion) router.add_patch("/MK/revert/{task}", self.MrevertTask)