Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Rechnitzer
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Colin B. Macdonald

from pathlib import Path

from import with_manager_messenger

solution_path = Path("solutionImages")

[docs]@with_manager_messenger def putSolutionImage(question, version, imageName, *, msgr): """Push a solution image to a server. Args: question (int): version (int): imageName (str/pathlib.Path): Keyword Args: msgr (plom.Messenger/tuple): either a connected Messenger or a tuple appropriate for credientials. Returns: `[True, msg]` or `[False, msg]` where `msg` is either an error message (on failure) or a diagnostic message (on success). """ spec = msgr.get_spec() # nb question,version are strings at this point iq = int(question) iv = int(version) if iq < 1 or iq > spec["numberOfQuestions"]: return [False, "Question number out of range"] if iv < 1 or iv > spec["numberOfVersions"]: return [False, "Version number out of range"] if spec["question"][question]["select"] == "fix" and iv != 1: return [False, f"Question{question} has fixed version = 1"] msgr.putSolutionImage(question, version, imageName) return [True, f"Solution for {question}.{version} uploaded"]
[docs]@with_manager_messenger def putExtractedSolutionImages(*, msgr): """Push all extract solution images to a server. This is a more automatic version of :func:`putSolutionImage`: instead of just one image, we push all of them for all questions and versions. This means a particular directory structure is expected. TODO: kwarg for that directory, with default. Keyword Args: msgr (plom.Messenger/tuple): either a connected Messenger or a tuple appropriate for credientials. Returns: None """ spec = msgr.get_spec() # nb question,version are strings at this point for q in range(1, spec["numberOfQuestions"] + 1): mxv = spec["numberOfVersions"] if spec["question"][str(q)]["select"] == "fix": mxv = 1 # only do version 1 if 'fix' for v in range(1, mxv + 1): image_name = solution_path / f"solution.q{q}.v{v}.png" msgr.putSolutionImage(q, v, image_name)