Installing the Plom Client

If you just need to use Plom to grade some papers then you only need the Plom Client. This can be obtained in several ways:

  • GNU/Linux users can install from Flathub.

  • Compiled binaries are available from our releases page.

  • Install from source or using pip.

For macOS

Download the appropriate “Compiled client” for your version of macOS from our releases page.

The macOS client ships as a .zip file. Open it and drag the .app bundle out onto your desktop or into your Applications folder. You can then delete the .zip file if you wish.


Unfortunately the .app is not “signed” which means you will likely get a security warning preventing you from opening it. You may need to change something in “Privacy & Security” in “System Preferences”, see Issue #1676 for details.

For Windows

Download the “Compiled client for Windows” from our releases page.

Locate the .exe file on your computer and double-click on it.

(You may get warnings about unsigned files, but it should be possible to continue. You can check the md5sums in our releases page if you want to verify your download.)

For GNU/Linux

Users of various distributions can install from from Flathub.

Another option is to download the “AppImage” from our releases page.

You may need to change the permissions on the binary to make it executable. Open a terminal and go to the directory where you saved the binary:

chmod +x PlomClient-x.y.z-x86_64.AppImage