Linear algebraic groups.
(Math 535, Term II 2013/2014)
Tuesday 2-4pm, and Thursday 2-3:30pm, in MATX1102.
My office: Math 217.
Course description .
Homework, Marking, etc.
This is an advanced course, and the mark will be based on the in-class discussion of homework problems
and the final presentation. Participation in the class should reasonably ensure at least an A-.
There will be no written exams, but there may be occasional written homework.
Most of the homework will be in the form of a growing list of problems (which will be posted here);
we will discuss the problems in class once every two weeks.
Main textbook: A. Springer, "Linear Algebraic Groups".
Additional references:
- Onischik and Vinberg "Lie groups and Algebraic groups".
- J. E. Humphreys, "Linear Algebraic Groups"
- A. Borel, "Linear Algebraic Groups"
- W. Fulton and J. Harris, "Representation Theory. A first course"
Some Related Links:
- Scheduling changes:
No class on January 28, January 30 and February 11.
Instead, we'll be meeting half an hour longer on Tuesdays for the
whole term.
- New Room: MATX 1102, starting
January 14.
A growing list
of problems.
We will discuss these on Tuesday
February 4; the list of problems will grow, and they
will be discussed as
necessary. The ones discussed already will be marked with a check
Possible Presentation Topics
(please make your own suggestions, too, and talk to me if you like any of
the topics below); I'll add references gradually.
Tannaka's theorem (see Springer, section 2.5).
Finite groups of Lie type
McKay correspondence.
Bruhat decomposition.
Flag varieties; cohomology of Grassmannians (this can generate any
munber of presentations). Sources to look at, to start: Bump "Lie groups",
Chapter 50;
Springer section 8.5.
Symmetric spaces (consider Chapter 31 of Bump, "Lie groups")
Fulton-Harris 23.3.
Connections with Riemannian geometry (eg., maximal tori and
geodesics, etc., see Bump's "Lie gorups", for example).
Haar measure on real groups; Weyl integration formula
Detialed course outline:
January 6:
Definition of an algebraic group.
References: Springer, sections 1.1, 1.3-1.5, 2.1.
January 8:
Overview -- connections with Lie groups, overview of the classification;
connectedness, simple connectedness, relation with the Lie algebras, etc.
(no proofs).
January 15:
Irreducibility and connectedness; the identity component; subgroups and
References: Springer, 1.2, 1.9, 2.2.1 -- 2.2.4.
January 21:
Connectedness (and closedness) of a subgroup generated by a family of
images of irreducible varieties.
Quasiprojective varieties; algebraic actions: existence of a closed orbit.
Example: adjoint orbits of SL(2, C) and SL(2, R).
References: Springer, the rest of 2.2; 1.6, 2.3.1-2.3.3.
For the SL(2) example, see e.g.
by S. DeBacker (the example is Sections 2.3.1-2.3.2; this is an
unlikely reference, but this example is explained there nicely. For this
course, ignore
everything else, including the beginning).
January 23 :
Existence of a faithful linear representation of an algebraic group
(Springer, 2.3.4 -- 2.3.9)
The Jordan decomposition in algebraic groups (Springer, 2.4.1-2.4.8).
January 28-30 : NO
February 4-6:
Discussion of Problems 1-9 on the list.
Unipotent groups
(Springer, 2.4.9-2.4.15, but we also discussed Lie's theorem and other
related facts, see Onischik-Vinberg, Chapter 3, sections 2.5--2.7).
Commutative algebraic groups: any commutative group is a product of its
semisimple and unipotent parts (Springer, 3.1).
Diagonalizable groups and tori (Springer, 3.2). The discussion in class
also included Section 2.3 of Onischik-Vinberg, Chapter 3, where
"diagonalizable subgroups" are referred to as "quasitori". The logic in
these two sources is different, but the upshot is that a group is
diagonalizable if and only if it is a product of an algebraic torus and a
finite group. Note also the correspondence between subgroups of an
algebraic torus and subgroups of its character group (see Exercises 3.2.10
in Springer, which were solved in class using the approach of OV, 3.2.3).
Please read Section 3.2 of Springer, up to 3.2.11!
The rest of Chapter 3 is skipped for now (since we only work over an
algebraically closed field).
February 11: NO CLASS
February 13 :
The tangent algebra: defined the tangent
space (using derivations), the differential of a morphism. Finished with
the definition of the Lie algebra of an algebraic group.
Specific references: Springer 4.1, 4.1.1-4.1.7, and
the part of 4.4.3 that does not deal with finite characteristic; cf. also
OV, Section 3.3.
February 17-21: break
Tuesday February 25:
Discussion of Problems 10-13 on the list (except 12).
Finished the survey of Springer, Chapter 4 (in particular, you should read
the following sections carefully: 4.4.1-4.4.10); discussed the examples,
in particular, the simple equation defining the Lie algebra of
a classical algebraic group.
February 27:
Semisimple and reductive Lie algebras; definitions of semisimple and
reductive algebraic groups
(see Springer 6.4.14, note the word "normal" is missing in the definition
of the unipotent radical).
quick review of the classification of semisimple Lie algebras.
Note that the characterization
of the reductive linear Lie algebras in terms of the form Tr(XY) comes
from Onischik-Vinberg, 4.1.1 (Theorem 2).