Reef Check Report 1998

Angaga Island


Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hauert,
Lic. phil. nat. Claudia Hauert-Roden,
Dipl. zool. Thomas Stucki,


Around Angaga island (South Ari Atoll, Maldives) six coral reefs were checked between June 26th and July 11th 1998 following the Reef Check methods of the Hong Kong University. The overall condition of all reefs under consideration was extremely poor: More than 80% of the corals were dead and covered with a thin layer of algae. Between 5% and 10% of all photosymbiotic hosts were bleached and only around 5% were still in fair condition. The reason for this severe condition of the reefs seems to be exceptionally high water temperatures in February and March of 1998. Hard corals and anemones were most affected, soft corals least. Of the invertebrate target species according to the Reef Check methods, only Tridacna gigas and sea cucumbers were observed regularly. Fish populations appeared to be rather undisturbed, however a significant lack of larger specimens were observed. Since fishing and harvesting is prohibited around Angaga island, we suggest that the reason for this is not due to overfishing but rather a consequence of the dying reef.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Angaga Island
    1. Geography
    2. Flora & Fauna
    3. Angaga Resort
  3. Reef Check Sites
    1. Housereef 1 (72° 49.402' E, 3° 39.052' N)
    2. Housereef 2 (72° 49.364' E, 3° 39.180' N)
    3. Housereef 3 (72° 48.999' E, 3° 38.962' N)
    4. Pineapple or Hurashdoo Island (72° 46.737' E, 3° 39.253' N)
    5. Namnetti Tila (72° 52.908' E, 3° 42.274' N)
    6. Remas Faru (72° 47.713' E, 3° 39.720' N)
  4. Biological Data & Results
    1. Corals
    2. Invertebrates
    3. Fish & Other Vertebrates
  5. Public Relations
  6. Suggestions
    1. Management of the Island
    2. Reef Check Organization
  7. Acknowledgements