In 1997 the Reef Check headquarters of the Institute for Environment
and Sustainable Development, Applied Technology Center of the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology developed methods for recording data
in order to determine and evaluate the condition and development of coral
reefs around the world. Since then, volunteers from various countries collect
data according to these methods and submit their data for evaluation back
to the headquarters.
In June, July and August 1998 21 people from Switzerland and Germany
visited the Maldives for two to four weeks in order to examine and re-examine
as many reefs as possible. This survey was organized by Hanspeter Schielly
of the Ocean Research and Conservation Alliance Switzerland (O.R.C.A.)
in Zürich and was sponsored by different companies, namely Balair,
Neckermann, ScubaPro and in our case particularly by the resort management
as well as the crew of the Subaqua dive center on Angaga island.
Apart from collecting data, another important task was to rise public awareness of the sensibility of the coral reef ecosystem. We accomplished this by various means: we gave presentations with slides and video sessions which were followed by discussions with guests. Moreover we introduced tourist divers to the underwater measurement techniques motivating them to join our activities.
As a part of this project a group of three people, C. Hauert, C. Roden and T. Stucki, visited Angaga Island in the South Ari Atoll from June 26th to July 11th 1998.